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欢送来到膀催眠的花园。Welcome to the hypnotic garden.

催眠的方法有哪些?What does hypnotic method have?

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水合氯醛为一种作用迅速的催眠药。Chloral hydrate is a rapidly effective hypnotic.

催眠幽灵看起来比他好多了。Hypnotic Specter seems a lot better than this to me.

术前2小时内未用任何镇静或止痛药物。No pregnant women use any analgesic or hypnotic agent. 2h.

结论冬虫夏草发酵液具有一定的镇静催眠作用。Conclusion FBCS possesses the sedative and hypnotic effects.

庸医,我吃的药怎么光催眠不顶事呢?Quack, I eat how light hypnotic drugs is not the top at all?

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目的研究安神胶囊的镇静催眠作用。Objective To study sedative hypnotic action of Anshen capsule.

并且在催眠状态中是最放松的!And you cannot be more relaxed than by being in a hypnotic state!

进入催眠状态是一种随着时间积累而改变的技巧。Getting into a hypnotic state is a skill that will improve over time.

罗通定鼻腔喷雾剂的研发为临床患者用药提供一种新的选择。It is expected to provide a new dosage form of sedative and hypnotic.

本药不延长硫喷妥钠的作用时间。The hypnotic action of thiopental in mice was not prolonged by Sinomenine.

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依托米脂是一种快速、短效羧基化咪唑镇静剂。Etomidate is a rapid, short-acting carboxylated imidazole derived hypnotic.

小女孩甜美的声音打破了这令人昏昏欲睡的气氛,“妈妈,我们在雨里跑吧。”Her voice was so sweet as it broke the hypnotic trance we were all caught in.

就我从录相上看到的情况,他确实处在一种催眠的状态。By what I can tell from the tape he seems to be in a legitimate hypnotic state.

结论GLB有明显的镇静、催眠、抗惊厥等中枢抑制作用。Conclusion GLB possesses obvious sedative, hypnotic and anticonvulsive effects.

几乎所有疾病的症状都能够通过你内部的催眠暗示作用产生感应。The symptoms of almost any disease can be induced in you by hypnotic suggestion.

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催眠药物是对失眠症进行对因和对症治疗的首选药物。Hypnotic is the choice drug which etiologically and semeiologically treats insomnia.

结论氧化槐定碱具有镇静、催眠等中枢抑制作用。Conclusion Oxysophoridine has sedative and hypnotic actions on central nervous system.

和谐的歌唱和有节奏的鼓点可以催眠到开阔思维的状态。The harmonious singing and rhythmic beats of the drums can be hypnotic to an open mind.