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下面我们来说分数The evaluation goes like this.

如何在个别讲评竞赛中胜出?How to Win the Evaluation Contest?

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位置路径的弱求值。Lazy evaluation of location paths.

对林分密度的评价。The evaluation of the stand density.

又何必追求那些急功近利的评价?Why to pursue those eager evaluation?

有些人害怕给别人讲评。Some people fear giving an evaluation.

评价模型的逻辑性。The logicality of models on evaluation.

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每个查询评估会耗费些许时间。Each evaluation of the query takes time.

评分标准很重要。Procedures for evaluation are important.

但它是一种单层次的评价模型。But it is a single-level evaluation model.

对它的评价有褒有贬。Have to its evaluation honour have demote.

参照公司另行制定的绩效考核表。Refer to the Performance Evaluation Sheet.

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表达式求值的经典算法Classic algorithms for expression evaluation

书箱漂流,推进阅读,评估。Circulation, promote reading, and evaluation.

工程项目竣工验收及项目的后评价。Quality acceptance and evaluation of project.

斯蒂夫对产品进行了评估。Steve conducted an evaluation of the product.

重大错报风险的评估。The evaluation of material misstatement risks.

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对评价指标进行了具体量化和赋分。Quantifying the evaluation indicators by marks.

年底个人的总结有无必要?Is it necessary to do year-end self evaluation ?

市盈率是投资估价的重要依据。P-E ratio is important in investment evaluation.