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我们一起去健身吧?Why don't we join a gym?

我过去常常不喜欢体操课。I used to hate gym class.

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好了,下次在体育馆见Okay, see you in the gym.

加入健身房并且真去活动!Join a gym and actually go!

世界驰为你的健身房。The world becomes your gym.

去散散步或到健身房去吧。Go for walks or hit the gym.

那就去妊体育馆锻炼,保持你的好身材。Hit the gym and get in shape!

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体育馆建得也很好。The gym is really nice. Yeah.

我们在体育馆里打乒乓球。We play ping-pong in the gym.

我是附近一家健身房的会员。I am a member of a gym nearby.

是否有任何其他的体育馆在晚上?Is there any other gym in KK ?

你想要知道我的建身房。You want to know about my gym.

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我们通常在体育馆上体育课。We usually do P. E. in the gym.

现在在健身房,大家说你是林书豪。At the gym now, it's Jeremy Lin.

体操课,每天30分钟。Gym class. 30 minutes every day.

卡哈·卡拉泽在健身房进行了练习。Kakha Kaladze worked in the gym.

她每天花半个小时在体育馆锻炼。Shean hour in the gym every day.

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我必须把我的网球鞋刷白。Gym shoe , sneaker , tennis shoe.

那体育馆有六个羽毛球场。The gym has six badminton courts.

我们一起去健身吧?Why don't we join a gym together?