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史提夫是一个开快车的驾车者。Steve is a high- stepping motorist.

那摩托车手本应该通过测试的。The motorist might have passed the test.

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驾驶员必须会辨认交通标志。A motorist must be able to read traffic signs.

这个乘汽车的人在公路上让两个军人搭乘便车。The motorist picked up a couple of servicemen along the highway.

警察让那个开车的人停下来,要求看他的执照。The policeman pulled up the motorist and asked to see his licence.

警察给那开摩托车的人记过一次,因为他在“停车”标志前没有停车。The constable booked the motorist for failing to stop at "Halt"sign.

第五部分讨论了未进行保险或未充份进行保险的范围。Part V offers a discussion of uninsured and underinsured motorist coverage.

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一位司机在公路上以每小时80英里的速度急驶,不料被警察拦住了。A motorist speeding along a highway at 80 miles an hour was stopped by a policeman.

实践中,驾驶员组织和道路许可证发放部门还未被说服。In practice motorist groups and road-licensing authorities still remain unconvinced.

警官在小镇的主道上截住一个开摩托车超速的人。A police officer in a small town stopped a motorist who was speeding down Main Street.

他们最终放了她,她拦下了一位司机,让其拨打了911.They eventually released her, and she was able to flag down a motorist who called 911.

美国城郊街道上的孤独行人比孤独的驾车者更引人注目。In an American suburban street a lone pedestrian is more conspicuous than a lone motorist.

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躲开交通堵塞,去看看乡村的自然风光,真太惬意了。The motorist enjoys an unobstructed view of the natural scenery as he drives across the bridge.

一位农夫和他的儿子乘坐轻便马车来到一段窄路,他们遇到一个开车的人向相反的方向去。A farmer and his son, traveling by horse and buggy up a narrow lane, met a motorist going the other way.

你也许会容忍个把横冲直撞的讨厌司机,可是,当今社会彬彬有礼的驾车者实在是太少了。You might tolerate the odd road hog, but nowadays the well- mannered motorist is the exception to the rule.

若在圣福尔南多峡谷驾车迷路,只要按键进入全球定位系统,就可立即在数字化地图上找出自己的位置。A motorist lost in the San Fernando Valley can tap into GPS and get an instant position on the digitized map.

如果警察认为同乘车者酒醉不醒,仍可以以涉嫌酒后驾车而逮捕当事人。Police can still arrest a person on suspicion of drunken driving if officers believe the motorist is impaired.

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一个汽车司机撞上了一个骑摩托车的人,骑摩托车的人安然无恙,汽车司机却受了重伤。这是怎么回事?A motorist ran into a motorcyclist, yet the motorcyclist was not hurt while the motorist was badly injured. Why?

最近,我坐旅行车,开车的司机就能接受一位脾气火爆的卡车司机的不敬。Recently I was on a tour bus whose driver was the recipient of the truck driver's salute from an irritated motorist.

一名公路巡警拦截了那位超速飞车者。“你难道不懂患上闪光警灯和汽笛的用意?”他问道。A highway patrol officer stopped a speeding motorist. "Don't you know the blinking lights and siren mean?" he demanded.