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深爱你的,戴安娜。Fondest love, Diana.

另一个是斯黛安。other is Diana Sterling.

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黛安娜去了一家医院。Diana went to a hospital.

戴安娜轻轻颤抖了一下。Diana gave a little shiver.

黛安娜是名化学老师。Diana was a chemical teacher.

黛安是一年前被谋杀的。Diana was murdered a year ago.

难道你不知道她还待字闺中吗?Don't you know she is a Diana?

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“斯黛安。”他低声说道。"Diana Sterling," he murmured.

狄娜是你最好的朋友吗?Is Diana your best friend now ?

戴安娜正在时装表演会上当模特。Diana is modeling for a fashion show.

戴安娜和小路都是我的好朋友。Both Diana and Koji are my good friends.

戴安娜总是说他是一个火热的娃。Diana always says that he has a hot bod!

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黛安娜王妃是一个很讲究穿戴的人,很难想象她花在衣服上的钱有多少。Princess Diana was a real clothes horse.

比尔不能骑那匹马,但黛安娜能。Bill can't ride that horse but Diana can.

吉欧和戴安娜两人都擅长运动。Both Joe and Diana are very good in sports.

黛安娜一生都会记着此事。Diana would remember this during her lifetime.

也许斯黛安在冲凉没听到。Maybe Diana is in the showerand can’t hear it.

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也许戴安娜在冲凉没听到。Maybe Diana is in the shower and can’t hear it.

安与戴安娜的友谊只是表面的。Ann's friendliness with Diana is only skin-deep.

黛安娜是一个很滑稽的混合物天真和智慧。Diana was a funny mixture of naivete and smarts.