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巴士,穿梭,轨道车乘客内饰。Bus, shuttle, railcar passenger interiors.

处理机车为了订单和汽车安插跟踪。Handle railcar order orders and car placement tracking.

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瑞士少女峰齿轨登山列车所使用的齿轮与齿轨。Cogwheel from a Jungfrau Railway railcar and geared rail.

对卸货港的卸货以及对运往目的工厂的火车装载进行监督。Supervise unloading at disport and loading to the railcar to final plant.

天安型公务动车是我国内燃动车开发的首创。The Tianan business railcar is the pioneer of diesel railcars developed in China.

指出了今后内燃动车传动系统的开发方向。The future development direction of diesel railcar transmission system is pointed out.

展示于台北市太原路市民大道口的复古汽油车。A rebuilt railcar has been displayed in a corner of Tai-Yuan Road and Civic Blvd. , Taipei.

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餐饮业者利用报废之糖铁巡道车和原料车作为露天席位。台中县丰原市圆环西路。The owner of this restaurant uses a railcar and cane cars as tables. Feng-Yuan, Taichung City.

时空网是研究铁路动态车流组织的一种有效方法。Time-space network is a popular and effective method in research on dynamic railcar operation.

时间,空间,网络是一种流行和​​有效的方法,研究动态轨道车操作。Time-space network is a popular and effective method in research on dynamic railcar operation.

戴上列车长专用帽,住进这个由经典有轨车改造而成的明亮的红色旅馆里吧!Put on your conductor's hat and all aboard this bright red vacation rental constructed out of a classic railcar.

影响车皮可供数量的一个因素在于内布拉斯加、依阿华、明尼苏达等州乙醇工厂的扩充。One factor affecting railcar availability is the expansion of ethanol plants in states such as Nebraska, Iowa and Minnesota.

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运用计算机辅助决策轨道车管理是提高工作效率、科学配置资源的有效手段。Using computer aided managing railcar to improve the efficiency and to allocate resources scientifically is an effective means.

介绍国内研制成功的三种不同形式卡轨车系统结构、特点及技术参数。The structure, features and technical parameters of three kinds of railcar systems which are successfully developed at home are introduced.

值得注意的是,由于亚洲市场需求旺盛,对太平洋沿岸港口的铁路交货量比2003年高出了31%“。Worth noting is that railcar deliveries to Pacific Coast export facilities were 31 percent higher for 2003 due to strong Asian market demand.

介绍了一种新型轨道车辆转向架的结构特点,并对其构架总成进行了有限元强度分析。The structural features of a new type of railcar bogies are described. And the finite element strength analysis is made on the frame assembly.

管道一般是安装在拖车底盘或有轨车底座上,或者当需要大量氩时放置在固定位置。Tubes are generally mounted on a truck-trailer chassis or railcar bed or placed at stationary locations when large amounts of argon are needed.

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罐的形状可以使球形或柱状,作为固定容器安装在固定位置,或者安装在有轨车或卡车底座上,以便于运输。Tanks may be spherical or cylindrical in shape and are mounted in fixed locations as stationary vessels or on railcar or truck chassis for easy transportation.

介绍283系摆式特快内燃动车的新型带轮对导向装置的摆式转向架的特征与结构概要。The general conditions of the characteristics and structure of the new type tilting bogie with wheelset steering device for the 283 series tilting express diesel railcar are introduced.

本文通过研究分析国内外相关系统的开发应用情况,结合铁道部课题,开发了铁路轨道车管理信息系统。This paper studied and analyzed the relevant application system home and abroad, combining with the issue from Ministry of Railways, developed the railcar management information system.