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鸟停歇在栖木上。The bird took its perch.

这个栖木是用箭做成的。The perch is made of arrows.

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一只金刚鹦鹉站在栖木上冲他尖叫。A macaw screeched at him from its perch.

那个男孩坐在高处起劲地唱。The boy sat on the perch and sang lustily.

乌鸦停在浮尸上面。Crows perch on bloated corpses floating by.

鸟儿飞下来与其在笼子鲈鱼。The bird flew down from its perch in the cage.

透过百叶窗,我看到唐纳德在枝头引吭高歌。From the blind, I see Donald on his singing perch.

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鲑鱼和河鲈在水晶般清澈的河流嬉戏。Trout and perch swam in the crystal clear streams.

我们找到一处矮石墙的残垣,歇了歇脚。We found a perch on the ruins of a low stone wall.

明杆结构,带平衡尾杆。Bright a pole structure, Brings balance tail perch.

河鲈中几种貌似长矛的鱼。Any of several pike-like fishes of the perch family.

于是很快我在合适的位置上来就有了足够的地板空间来安安稳稳的工作。Soon I had enough floor in place to form a stable perch.

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鹦鹉在靠窗的栖木上打盹后醒了过来。The parrot woke from its perch of sleep near the window.

斯图尔特不小心把话筒从支架上碰掉了。Stuart accidentally knocked the microphone off its perch.

这里有一位,是用大鲈鱼来钓梭鱼的。Here is one fishing for pickerel with grown perch for bait.

而黄鹤除了在仙林里,从不在别处栖息。And yellow cranes perch nowhere else than in forests divine.

胚胎卵黄囊表面有一个大圆形油球。There is a big oil ball on the surface of yolk-sac of perch.

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许多家燕飞落在屋顶上。Many house swallows perch themselves on the roof of the house.

鳜鱼NPY基因编码四个外显子及三个内含子。Chinese perch NPY gene consists of four exons and three introns.

在海鸥的栖息处的后方,是一座建于维多利亚时代的船库。Seagulls perch with a Victorian-era boathouse in the background.