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那老头一定是个犹太人。The old cove must be a Jew.

我们在黑湾的农场被弃废了。Our farm at Black Cove is abandoned.

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船停靠在一个幽僻的小湾里。We were anchored in a secluded cove.

用于卷材上墙时的背面开槽。For underside grooving of wall cove base.

在皇家环路海滩坐落于一个迷人的海湾中。The Beach at Royal Circle lies in a charming cove.

岸边一带林木蓊郁,嫩绿一片,好一个山外的小海湾。The shore line is wooded, olive-green, a pristine cove.

亚特兰蒂斯岛上的一个内凹形海湾,被描绘得如同神话一般。Illustration of a cove on the mythical island of Atlantis

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我在哪里可以看2009年的湾网上免费电影完全流?Where can I watch The Cove 2009 movie online free full stream?

三人在靠近纽芬兰葡萄牙小海湾内驾驶着一艘平底海船正在捕捞鲱鱼。The trio went fishing that day for herring in a dory near Portugal Cove.

三人在靠近纽芬兰葡萄牙小海湾内驾驶着一艘平底海船正在捕捞鲱鱼。The trio went fishing that day for herring in a dory near Portugal Cove.

但是,如果我杀了你,我同样可以靠它找到船骇湾,对吗?If I kill you, then I can use the compass to find Shipwreck Cove , is it ?

我便跳起来绕过柳树,走到后面的苇塘边下。I leaped up, circled the willows and emerged on the other side of the cove.

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在250个字之内描述你认为的在1914年4月25日澳洲新西兰军团士兵发生的事情。In 250 words describe what you think happened at ANZAC Cove on 25 April 1914.

在我后面,离散的岩石形成从小海湾的沙底部突出。Behind me, scattered rock formations jutted from the sandy bottom of the cove.

辰梦海滩位于查翁海滩北边,是一处幽寂安静的海湾。Find a little peace and quiet at this pretty cove located just north of Chaweng.

圣淘沙升涛湾分为两个主要领域,北湾和南湾。Sentosa Cove is divided into two main areas, the North Cove, and the South Cove.

但是,如果我杀了你,我同样可以靠它找到船骇湾,对吗?If I kill you, then I can use the compass to find Shipwreck Cove , is it On my own.

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它被命名为天狼星号之后的处女航于1788年1月26日停船悉尼海湾。On her first voyage as Sirius she dropped anchor in Sydney Cove on 26 January 1788.

“求索探险”的同事们在爱德华王海岬的希望角为他建造了一座纪念碑。A memorial was built by his comrades from the Quest at Hope Point on King Edward Cove.

船湾淡水湖。工程项目的位置见载于本许可证夹附的图1。Plover Cove Reservoir. The location of the Project is shown in Figure 1 of this Permit.