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不久,他又进到亚述、印度、波斯,进到占星术者之地。Persia and into the land of the Chaldeans.

然后,亚历山大开始攻击珀斯其余的部分。Then Alexander turned to attack the rest of Persia.

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你千里迢迢从波斯赶来,就是为了土地和水?You rode all the way from Persia for earth and water?

一会儿工夫,甲板上就摆满了色彩斑斓的波斯地毯。and the decks were soon covered with colorful rugs from Persia

起源于波斯的其他体育项目还有马球和马上枪术。Among other sports that originate in Persia are polo and jousting.

地毯编织在16世纪的波斯到达其艺术顶峰。Carpet weaving reached its peak of artistry in 16th-century Persia.

他占领了波斯的其余部分,接着目标朝向了阿富汗和印度。He conquered the rest of Persia and swept on to Afghanistan and India.

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你所看见双角的公绵羊,就是玛代和波斯王。The two- horned ram that you saw represents the kings of Media and Persia.

你所看见双角的公绵羊,就是玛代和波斯王。The ram which thou sawest having two horns are the kings of Media and Persia.

又如平顶帽和一些头饰,均来源于波斯和阿富汗。And for example flat caps and some coronets, stem from Persia and Afghanistan.

萨珊王朝的波斯控制着指定运往欧洲和拜占庭的丝绸贸易。Sassanid Persia controlled the trade of silk destined for Europe and Byzantium.

然而波斯军却提前到了,使得李奥倪大孤军力守。But Persia army get to in advance, make Li Ni heavy isolated force strength keep.

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但米底国家历时短暂,于公元前550年亡于波斯。But at the end of the country took a brief meters, was killed in 550 BC in Persia.

我喜欢类似波斯王子和战神这样的游戏,他们总能轻易的把新手带入游戏中。I enjoy games like Prince of Persia and God of War , which ease you into the game.

贾解释道,来自波斯东部的音乐和舞蹈在唐代十分流行。In Tang China, Chia explains, music and dance from eastern Persia were all the rage.

一种叫做“笙”的中国管乐器就先后传到了波斯和欧洲。Chinese wind instrument, Called " Sheng" was introduced to Persia and later to Europe.

我爱中国人民,他们的文化和伊朗和古波斯是一致的。I love chinese people and the culture they are the same as Iranian and ancient persia.

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那时,一张日本僧人所绘的地图包括了中国、喜马拉雅山、印度和波斯。A Japanese Buddhist map from those days includes China, the Himalayas, India and Persia.

在帕提亚人统治期间,波斯只是大而松散的帝国里的一个省。During Parthian rule, Persia was only one province in a large, loosely controlled empire.

有些人认为这个点子是源自波斯的冰镇葡萄酒以及各种不同的调味冰品。Some believe that this idea came from cooled wines and different flavored ices in Persia.