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河里漂着一个大树枝。A bough floats in the river.

你买的钢笔不能用。The pen you bough didn't work.

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树枝上果实累累。The bough was loaded with fruit.

或者就镶在金树枝上歌唱Or set upon a golden bough to sing

今我来思,雨雪霏霏。I come back now, Snow bends the bough.

我以极低的价格买下这部除草机。I bough this used lawn mower dirt cheap.

只是那野曲压抑着枝条。But that wild music burthens every bough.

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我把钓鱼竿靠在一棵松树的大树枝上。I rested my fishing rod against a pine bough.

燕雀在果园的枝头啁啾While the chaffinch sings on the orchard bough

我买了两瓶香水和3种其他商品。I bough 2 bottles of perfume and 3 other kinds.

嗯,支干断掉时,摇篮就垮了。Well, when the bough breaks, the cradle will fall.

明亮,头颅高昂,他在一根绿色的树枝下停下来brighten, his head cocks, he pauses under a green bough

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如果架子断了,摇篮也就掉了,它已经随落了。When the bough breaks, the cradle will fall, and it has fallen here.

人海中娇颜幽幽浮现,湿漉漉黑枝昙花片片。Apparition of these faces in the crowd. Petals on a wet, black, bough.

我给她买了一棵小树,打算晚上再装饰。I had bough her a small tree, and we were going to decorate it that night.

有花能摘的时候就只管去摘下它来,不要等到花没有了去折空空的树枝。If a bud opens, gather it as you could lest you would only wait for an empty bough.

可以飞越万水千山,停在你窗前的树梢。Then I could fly across mountains and rivers to rest on a bough before your window.

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一只小鸟将自枝头冻毙跌下来他未曾为自己感到可怜。A small bird will drop frozen dead from a bough without ever having felt sorry for itself.

幸好平底船还能漂浮,于是他便抓住一根柳树枝,将船靠向小岛。Luckily the punt drifted so that he could catch hold of a willow bough , and pull to the island.

只是这个时候,我们才注意到卡尔附近的雪地里刚刚折断的巨大树枝。Only then did I pay attention to the huge and recently broken-off bough lying in the snow near Carl.