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FSO主要由壳体、上层建筑、系泊系统及立管系统组成。FSO is composed of hull part, accommodation part, mooring system and piping system.

每学期开学第一周,由留学生管理科组织留学生统一进行体检。On the first week of the semester, FSO will organize all the new students to take the physical exam.

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相比于光纤通信,自由空间光通信可迅速配置,并且价格低廉。The primary advantages of FSO over fiber are its rapid deployment time and significant cost savings.

日光灯和无线光通信可能提供家庭或办公室的因特网连接。The combination of LEDs and FSO could then be used to provide internet coverage throughout a home or office.

针对光无线通信的特点,探讨了大气湍流和通信平台抖动对激光传输的影响。The effect of atmospheric turbulence and vibration of the FSO platform on signal tracking system is discussed.

考察了物料配比和反应时间对FSO丙烯酸酯收率和纯度的影响。The effects of reactant proportion and reaction time on the yield and purity of FSO acrylate were investigated.

介绍了利用VB6.0的FSO对象实现文件查找的两种方法,并给出了实现的具体代码。This paper presents two methods on how to realize file searching with FSO in VB6.0. Some Key implementation codes are also given.

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根据本课题的设计参数具体计算了功率冗余,并根据这两个函数对系统设计给出评价。With parameters of the FSO system designed in this dissertation, power budget and both of the two curves are calculated and analyzed.

本文对FSO的基本特点、设计特点、市场需求以及日后的发展趋势作了简要的论述,并对FSO与FPSO的异同点作了简单的比较。In this paper, we describe the basic characteristic, designed characteristic, market demand and its development, we also point out the FSO and FPSO.

留学生每次办理居留许可延期、签证延期手续时,务必将证件照片质量检测回执单同其他所需材料一并提交到留学生管理科。Students should hand the quality-check receipt of photos and other materials to FSO while applying the residence permit extension and visa extension.

光学天线是FSO系统的重要组成部分,本文设计了收发分离的折射式光学天线,并用光学设计软件ZEMAX进行模拟和评价。Optical antenna is one of the important parts of FSO. A bi-static dioptric optical antenna is designed and evaluated with optical design software ZEMAX.

分析与仿真表明,综合考虑性能指标和可实现性,DPIM更适用于未来自由空间光通信系统。The analysis and the corresponding simulations show that DPIM is more suitable for the future FSO system with comprehensive consideration of performances and realizability.

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由于FSO是一种视距技术,且传输信道为大气层,因此大气效应和建筑物摆动的影响较为明显。But because FSO is a technology of line-of-sight and atmosphere is an open medium, FSO is subject to outside disturbance, such as atmospheric effects and building base-motion.

本文通过激光通信链路预算和能见度数据分析,给出了FSO系统的链路可信度及通信距离与气象因素之间的函数关系。By the analysis of link budgets and visibility-limiting weather conditions, the link availability and link distances as a function of distance can be predicted for any FSO system.

在以前未采用AOptix终端的自由空间光学测试中,NuCrypt公司演示了由于湍流和瞄准误差出现了戏剧性的动力减弱,这也体现了这一重大挑战。In previous FSO link tests without AOptix terminals, NuCrypt experienced dramatic power fades due to turbulence and pointing errors, representing a significant, if not impossible, challenge.