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她丈夫是一名美国水师陆战队士兵。Her husband is a U. S. marine.

征来的兵也配叫陆战队吗?。What kind of marine is drafted?

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褐藻胶是海藻提取物。Algin was refined from marine alga.

海洋灾害预报系统。Marine disaster forecasting system.

没错儿。这些都是海岩石。Exactly. All these are marine rocks.

重要海洋动物细胞培养.Important marine animal cell culture.

岩石被海生植物所覆盖。The rocks are covered by marine plants.

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最少一立方起运!Marine transportation A Yuan per cubic !

海军陆战队第一师。"First Marine Division, " Tony observed.

海上保险的费用将由我方承当。The marine insurance shall covered by us.

瓦房店拥有富饶的海产资源。Wafangdian owns fertile marine resources.

常用的轮船机油油22号、30号。Commonly used marine engine glossy 22, 30.

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我国具有丰富的海洋砂石土资源。China is rich in marine sandy and stony soil.

在海军陆战队里,所有的东西都连接到了车轨上。In the Marine Corps, everything is on wheels.

另配船用浮球、滑块密封带等。Reprovision of marine float, slide seal belt.

贝扎尼奇正在潜水采集海洋生物。Bezanik is diving to collect marine organisms.

突袭行动中损失了一架F18舰载战斗机。One plane, a marine F18, was lost in the raid.

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附件是海运的发票,请检查。The inclosure is marine invoice, please check.

这个黏糊糊的物质被称为海洋黏液。This stringy mess is known as marine mucilage.

海洋摄影室的生物学家指出。Marine Studio biologists have pointed out that.