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你能预定奶油馅点心么?。Can you reserve eclairs?

我想预先规定一个房间。I want to reserve a room.

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你想预借吗?Do you want to reserve it?

预订一架班机的座位。Reserve seats on a flight.

备用控制面板。The reserve control panel.

约拉是一个预备队员。Yola was a reserve player.

我想要预借一本书?I'd like to reserve a book ?

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她从不放下她的矜持。She never drops her reserve.

我特此保留我的评断。I hereby reserve my judgment.

也养得起一个闲人。Can reserve a loiterer as well.

我想在火车上预订一间套房。I'd like to reserve a roomette.

九寨沟是一个自然保护区吗?Is Jiuzhaigou a nature reserve?

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市内水的贮藏量不多。The city's reserve of water is low.

备用1辆15吨的可移式起重机。Reserve a 15-ton crane can be moved.

我罙们可以现在预定一个靠窗户的桌子。We could reserve a window table now.

你有没有余力去做更多的事情?Do you have reserve power to do more?

我保留稍后作出回应的权利。I reserve the right to respond later.

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他用一只脚固定住线盘,把结打紧。Now he had six reserve coils of line.

你可以通过电话定票。You can reserve the tickets by phone.

他有六盘备用的钓丝儿。He had six reserve coils of fishlines.