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删减窗上口和檐口之间的距离。Inbulge window head to eave distance.

增加窗上口和檐口之间的距离。Increase window head to eave distance.

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不,我用的是屋檐下的钥匙。No, I used the key from under the eave.

在世界的屋檐下,在中国的厅堂间。Under the world eave and among Chinese halls.

这些瓦当上都刻有各种各样的动物图案。These eave tiles are carved with many animal pictures.

像一只祈福的铜铃叮铃铃地挂在飞檐。Resided there like an auspicious bell on the flying eave.

沿着屋檐下面房子的一边布线。Run the cable along the eave and down the side of the house.

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整个大院所有房间的屋檐下部都有漂亮的真金彩绘。Beautiful gold murals are located under each eave of the compound.

就是把柳条编成花环戴在头上,或者插在屋檐下。It means making a hoop out of wicker and sticking it under the eave.

门的头和房檐用砖雕刻很好装饰。The head and eave of the gate are well decorated with brick carvings.

不要随地旋转尖锐物件,可能会造成事故。Do not ! eave sharp objects ! ying around as these can cause accidents.

结果不幸却找了个戴大帽的工作。The result has unfortunately actually looked for wears big eave hat's work.

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我常常一个人听雨水在屋檐流淌的声音。My person listens to the rain water in the eave frequently the mobile sound.

可以型点,可安装在屋顶的屋檐,照亮院子和行人通道。Can-type spots may be mounted under a roof eave to illuminate patios and walkways.

纵然,燕子是这么的惧怕人类,可是牠却偏偏要在人们居住的屋檐下筑巢。Though swallow fear human so much, they still build nests under eave of human's house.

同一屋檐下住了两家人,他们有着完全不同的背景和习惯,矛盾不断。Same eave left two family, they are having completely different setting and habit, contradictory and ceaseless.

各层都有腰檐平座,平座均为四铺作单抄计心造,周绕栏杆。Each layer has a waist eave flat, flat seat are shop for four single copy meter building, circumferential railing.

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琉璃瓦中的勾头,滴水瓦件以及走兽、钉帽、花窗和正吻、垂兽等构件采用手工成型或注浆成型。The manual stamping or casting is used to mold eave tile, drip tile, tile with animals, nail head and glassless window.

这座下大上小、四方形、十七层、每层都有飞檐的古怪建筑,华西人称之为“金塔”。" The next big small, four square, 17 floors, each has the strange upturned eave construction, Huaxi people called "Urn.

清代大式殿堂体系的檐柱的轴心受力性能有很大的安全储备。The axially load bearing capacity of eave column of the wooden frame palace with Dougong of Qing Dynasty had great safety margin.