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她将水罐注满了清水。She filled the ewer with fresh water.

茶壶在非常优良条件与被恢复的喷口。Ewer isin very good condition with spout restored.

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这可以看出在这个盆地葡萄酒壶和升温。This can be seen in this wine ewer and warming basin.

我确信这罐饮料比那罐更新更纯。I'm sure this is newer and purer than the drink in that ewer.

旅客很少,他们没有受到重伤都逃出来了。There ewer vey few passengers who escaped without serious injury.

我确信这是新的,布鲁尔说,与那大口水壶里的饮料更加纯。I am sure this is newer, "said the brewer, "and purer than the drink in that ewer. "

从敞开的门外边,可以看到屋子里的红砖地,一张大木床,牌桌上摆着一只大口水罐和一个面盆。Through the open door you see a red-tiled floor, a large wooden bed, and on a deal table a ewer and a basin.

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此外,接受重组人促红细胞生成素治疗的病人血红蛋白的水平较高。Despite receiving ewer red blood cell transfusions, patients treated with rHuEPO achieve a higher hemoglobin level.

此白色大口水罐,或称壶,被认为是中国陶瓷的标志。This white porcelain ewer , or pouring vessel, is considered to be the among the most remarkable of all Chinese ceramics.

此壶有嘴,但似乎没有遇到过处理,因此它的花瓶状可能指向北方的起源。This ewer had a spout, but does not seem to have ever had a handle, so its vase-like shape may point to a northern origin.

不过长沙铜官窑多饰于壶,而磁州窑书画不再多见于壶,而饰于枕。The Changsha kiln was commonly used on ewer, while the painting and calligraphy of Cizhou kiln has no more appeared on the ewer but on pillows.

青白瓷是北宋名瓷,青白瓷执壶是其优秀代表之一,尤其以造型取胜。Greenish white porcelain is a famous genre of Northern Song Dynasty porcelain, and the handled ewer as a prominent representative is distinguished in particular for its unique shapes.