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如何预防脚癣?How Can I Prevent It?

有效防侧漏。Prevent side leakage.

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我应该怎样预防白内障?How can I prevent cataracts?

如何预防红眼病?How can you prevent pinkeye?

防止产生抽吸作用。Prevent the swabbing effect.

注意保暖,避免受凉。Keep warm. Prevent from cold.

我建议你不防试试。I suggest you try not prevent.

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如何治理倒票“黄牛党”?How to prevent ticket scalpers?

棒棒糖能预防蛀牙。Lollipops can prevent cavities.

我们知道怎样去阻止疟疾。We know how to prevent malaria.

绿茶可以防辐射。Green tea can prevent radiation.

如何避免和应对肌肉痉挛?How can I prevent muscle cramps?

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边缘加劲,防止波纹。Edge stiffeners prevent waviness.

我们可以怎样防止海洋污染?How can we prevent sea pollution?

怎样预防精索静脉曲张的发病?How prevent a varicocele come on?

经常擦油,以免生锈。Oil it regularly to prevent rust.

经证实它还可以防肠癌。And this can prevent liver cancer.

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防止复制,截屏,打印。Prevent copy, screen shots, print.

预防疾病才是上策。The best way is to prevent disease.

吵到无法让人安眠。By their uproar they prevent sleep".