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多希望。你的爱也可以单曲循环。Wish you love can also s. ingle cy. cle.

他结婚的第一任妻子,何英格尔六年。He was married to his first wife, Jose Ingle for six years.

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集全世界的黑暗也无法熄灭一支蜡烛发出的亮光。All the darkness in the world never put out the light of a ingle candle.

在SPSS支持下进行单因素和多元回归分析。Data were analysed ins ingle factor and multiple regression analysis with SPSS.

建立以平台总重量为目标函数的导管架平台优化模型。An optimum design model for offshore jacket platform is established by using the weight ass ingle object function.

高密市在山东半岛也称得上是一个地理位置优越,具有悠久历史的城市,风光如画,景色怡人。The city of Gaomi possesses geological advantages in Shandong Peninsula, with long history as well as ingle scenery.

采用单纯的丁醇络合脱水方法难以完全脱除水氯镁石中的结晶水。Thes ingle butanol complexation dehydration technology cannot take all coordinated water molecules in bischofite away.

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德拉布尔是一位丰富多产的作家,其关注点也很多,要在这样一个篇幅有限的论文中讨论她的全部作品是很难的。Since Drabble is a prolific writer with a variety of concerns, it is hard to cover all of her novels in as ingle limited study like this.

而事实上,在这场“民主党或共和党”的角逐中,我才是唯一愿为每一个男人、女人和儿童提供医疗保健计划的候选人。In fact I am the only candidate left in this ace-Democrat or Republican-with a health care plan to cover every ingle man, woman and child.

但从本质上讲,短时傅里叶变换是一种单一分辨率的信号分析方法,因为它使用一个固定的短时窗函数。But in essence, the short-time Fourier transformation is a method of ingle resolution because it uses an unchanged short-time widow function.

当这个阵列完成的时候,它将包含350个碟形天线——这些天线行动一致,到那时每一个装置的功率覆盖范围将达到700米。When the array is complete, it will have 350 dishes that, by acting in concert, will have the power of as ingle instrument 700 metres across.

在子囊菌中产生孢子的器官,它是一种囊状结构。Asexual reproduction The formation of new individuals from a ingle parent without the production of gametes or special reproductive structures.

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当按照指定行事的指定银行,保兑行或开证行决定拒绝承付或议付时,必须给予交单人一份单独的拒付通知。When a nominated bank acting on its nomination, a confirming bank, if any, or the issuing bank decides to refuse to honour or negotiate, it must give as ingle notice to that effect to the presenter.