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现在是时候重新唤醒这个巨人了。It is time to reawaken this giant.

这次新的战争能唤起他的战士之心吗?But will this new battle reawaken his warrior's heart?

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然后,用全感官性爱唤醒他们沉寂已久的快感中枢。Then, use sensual lovemaking to reawaken their dormant pleasure centers.

今后一两年的困境无疑将重新唤醒那些支持加入欧元区的支持者。The difficulties of the next year or two will, no doubt, reawaken the pro-euro lobby.

当生活的挑战能够唤醒创伤的某个方面时,它的效果会随时间而变弱。And while life challenges can reawaken some aspect of the trauma its affects grows less powerful with time.

瑞莱同他的研究小组还曾利用DBS把一个脑受损病人从最低程度的知觉状态中唤醒过来。Rezai and his team have also used DBS to reawaken a brain-damaged patient from a minimally conscious state.

近年来,随着传统文化教育的发展,人们开始重新唤醒民族记忆。Recently, with the development of the education in culture traditions, people begin to reawaken the national memory.

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而且这一年来他第一次想起了被他抛在身后的家庭,以及那份他想要尽力再次唤醒的爱。And for the first time in a year he thought about the family he had left behind, and the love he would try to reawaken.

科学家一度希望“凤凰号”能够储存足够的能量使它能够在春天到来的时候复苏。Scientists had hoped the craft might be able to maintain enough power to reawaken when sunlight returned in the spring.

直到1995年的一天,她在电视里看到一位老人表演剪纸技艺,这才重新唤醒小时候的爱好。This Mei-Ling Zhao days. Until 1995, the day she saw an old TV show paper cutting skills This reawaken childhood hobby.

你们这样做是帮助唤醒集体意识,更多的可能已经到来,那就是扬升和改变。You are doing so to help, to reawaken the collective, so that as many as possible are coming, are ascending, are shifting.

因而在浪漫主义诗人的眼里,自然是有感情、有灵性的,可以恢复人类完美的人性。For the romantic poets, nature is full of sentiments and spirituality and able to purify the human mind and reawaken humanity.

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现在到了唤醒这个工业巨人、让政府回归本位和减少惩罚性税收负担的时候了。It is time to reawaken this industrial giant, to get government back within its means, and to lighten our punitive tax burden.

当资产价格有一天变得很低时,投资者和企业的“动物本性”就会被再度唤醒。At some point prices of assets will become so cheap that they will reawaken the 'animal spirits' of both investors and companies.

我希望通过我的最新作品能够唤醒这种意识,并将这种意识与人们对这些物品以及其制作方式产生的最初感觉联系在一起。In my new work I aspire to connect and reawaken the consciousness to those primal feelings towards the objects and object making.

绝地学徒杰登·科尔在科里班发现阿克斯米斯用古老的西斯遗物唤醒了马卡·拉格诺斯的阴魂。Jedi student Jaden Korr confronted Axmis on Korriban, where she had used an ancient Sith artifact to reawaken the spirit of Marka Ragnos.

另一种选择方案是,希望欧美领导人会推行重振需求和投资增长所需的财政和劳动力市场改革。The alternative is to hope that politicians in the U.S and Europe will introduce the fiscal and labor reforms needed to reawaken demand and investment growth.

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我们必须学会再苏醒,更须学会保持清醒而不再昏睡,但不能用机械的方法,而应寄托无穷的期望于黎明,就在最沉的沉睡中,黎明也不会抛弃我们的。We must learn to reawaken and keep ourselves awake, not by mechanical aids, but by an infinite expectation of the dawn, which does not forsake us in our soundest sleep.