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在这里要表现得高贵优雅一点。Act with some elegance and refinement here.

她母亲是一个非常文雅的女人。Her mother is a woman with great refinement.

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多年的务实探索,开拓求精。Years of pragmatic explorations and refinement.

现在,我的实验室里的问题,也是过于注重礼仪谦让,缺少批评精神。In my lab there’s no criticism, only refinement.

恢复是以逐步求精的方式进行的。Recovery is done in a progressive refinement manner.

你想要散发出文雅和华贵的感觉。You want to exude refinement and a sense of rich luxury.

他总是为他所谓的高雅举止自鸣得意。He is always proud of his so called refinement in manners.

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他总是为他所谓有高雅举止自鸣得意。He is always proud of his so-called refinement in manners.

这种类型的优化可能减少抽象级别。This kind of refinement can reduce the level of abstraction.

有财富未必就能有文雅气质。Culture and refinement are not always concomitants of wealth.

也许您可以在自己的站点对这一项进行优化。Perhaps that's a refinement you could make for your own site.

你们都在为净化你们的情绪身体而工作。You are all working on the refinement of your emotional body.

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这种变化在某些方面与精化和删除有关。This change is in some ways related to refinement and removal.

这项技术实际上是对上一项技术的优化。This technique is really a refinement of the previous technique.

我们坚持为求质求精的目标而努力不懈。We insist on quality for the sake of the goal refinement efforts.

因此只有精化和删除和下一节有关。Hence, only refinement and removal are relevant for the next sections.

精益求精的礼节规定使得人们受到比以前更加明显的约束。In the name of refinement restraint was more evident than ever before.

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上流社会的所有高雅和精致都被集中在那儿。All the elegance, all the refinement of high society was gathered there.

设计是一个复杂的问题求解和逐步求精的过程。Design is a complex process of problem solving and knowledge refinement.

但为什么时至今日,依然难登大雅之堂?But why at this point, still difficult to ascend the place of refinement?