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药学与药剂学的区别?Does medicine learn the distinction with pharmaceutics?

欧洲制药学与生物制药学杂志。European Journal of Pharmaceutics and Biopharmaceutics.

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目的介绍纺织技术在药剂学中的应用。OBJECTIVE To introduce the applications of textile technologies in pharmaceutics.

研究证明,利用制剂学方法可提高其生物利用度。The research proves that these drugs can be improved by using pharmaceutics methods.

并采用这台仪器对两种喹诺酮类药物加替沙星和甲磺酸帕珠沙星进行了分析。Furthermore, this method was used to analyze several kinds of pharmaceutics and a drug metabolite.

用胭脂虫干体加工生产的胭脂红色素广泛地应用于食品、化妆品、制药业。Carmine produced from cochineal has been used widely in food, cosmetics and pharmaceutics industry.

目的建立检测“抗癫纯中药制剂”中所掺入的苯巴比妥的方法。OBJECTIVE To set up a method to examine Phenobarbital in the pure herbal pharmaceutics of anti-epilepsy.

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采用新型药物载体使天然药物具有靶向作用是近年来药剂学的研究热点之一。The research on target drug systems of natural drugs is one of the highlights of pharmaceutics recently.

计算机药物信息咨询系统是开展现代临床药学的重要手段。Computerized consulting system of pharmaceutical information is the key to modern clinical pharmaceutics.

承蒙格林豪先生介绍,我们得知你们是贵国中国化工产品和药品的主要进口商之一。Greenhow that you are one of the leading importers of Chinese chemicals and pharmaceutics in your country.

本发明提供一种纯中药剂的治牙痛药物及其制备方法。This invention provides a kind of pure Chinese pharmaceutics to cure toothache and its preparation method.

本文通过双缩脲法建立了测定胰岛素透粘膜制剂的方法。A method of measurement of the content of Insulin in transmucosal pharmaceutics was established by biuret test.

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论述了在药学专业课中深化素质教育的必要性和可行性。This article discussed the necessity and feasibility of deepening the quality education for students of pharmaceutics.

近红外光谱技术是一种简便、快速、无损的检测手段,在药学领域得到了广泛的应用。NIRS has been used in the area of pharmaceutics extensively because it is a simple, quick and no damage analytic method.

建立了测定不同剂型锌制剂含量的原子吸收火焰光谱法。A rapid and brief way of measuring the content of zinc pharmaceutics was established by using atomic absorption spectrum.

通过对制剂的稳定性研究,确定了制剂的有效期。By the research of the stability of HYBR-003 pharmaceutics, the validity of HYBR-003 pharmaceutics also has been determined.

目的了解本院双歧杆菌活菌制剂的使用情况,对用药合理性进行分析评价。Objective To study the application of bifidobacterium viable pharmaceutics in our hospital and to analyze its reasonableness.

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益心胶囊是通过专家多年反复临床实践,潜心研制出的具有良好疗效的中药复方制剂。Yixin capsule is a compound pharmaceutics which have fine effect and is made by experienced experts through many years studied.

文章结合中药制剂专业特点,在高等职业教育的毕业实习与毕业论文管理实施方面作了有益的探索。It also introduces how Pharmaceutics of Chinese Materia Medica Department organize its graduation practice and graduation thesis.

非牛顿流体的制备和应用广泛存在于化工、食品、石油、医药等工业部门。Preparation and applications of non-Newtonian fluids distribute widely in the chemical, food, petroleum, pharmaceutics and so on.