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重置导航系统。Reseting navigation systems.

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有彩色便签纸的导航。Navigation with colored stickers.

只使用一个主导航菜单Use only one main navigation menu.

俺们不用导航也能到那可以。We can go there without navigation.

一个清晰、不言自明的导航a clear, self-explanatory navigation

选择导航栏上的“合作伙伴”。Select “Partner” on the navigation bar.

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一只漂流的船对航行是危险的。A boat adrift is a danger to navigation.

导航基于路径的对象识别Navigation path-based object recognition

去除不需要的导航元素Suppressing unneeded navigation elements

滚动的图片库中导航。Scroll navigation in the picture gallery.

在圣何塞导航装置,又称EB病毒85A条。The San Jose Navigation unit, aka EB-85A.

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该网站导航应真快。The website navigation shall be really fast.

为常见的导航调整界面。Inflect the interface for typical navigation.

地图导航控件的完整模板集Fully templated set of map navigation controls

我去维修厂安装导航系统。I installed the navigation system in a garage.

没有导航控制,地图就不完美。No map is complete without navigation controls.

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两个窗格之间的导航是同步的。Navigation is synchronized between the two panes.

航图是专门用于导航的一种地图。Charts are a map adapted specially for navigation.

显示单行的链接作为导航控制Display the navigation controls as a row of links.