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如果你分析皮克斯电影,你会发现连一个缺陷也没有。If you analyze a Pixar film, you’ll find nary a flaw.

事实上大家一直守口如瓶,直至肿瘤被切除。In fact, nary a word got out until Jobs' tumor had been removed.

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目前几乎没有关于男同志的伙伴关系的现实耳语。There is nary a whisper about the reality of gay male partnerships.

佩奇与投资者的首度收入会议对社交网络只字未提。In his debut earnings call with investors, Page made nary a mention of social.

而这帮人可一个也没有说过詹姆斯是当今最出色的。There is nary a whisper from the same crowd regarding Lebron James being the best today.

完全没有什么表单栏、对象模型、核心验证逻辑组件之类的东西。Nary a form field, object model, or core validation logic component to be found anywhere.

如今,在广告中,小丑做运动,通篇却没有出现一个汉堡。Nowadays, when he appears in ads he is shown playing sports, with nary a burger in sight.

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软件厂商看都不看一眼客户而将其数据锁起来的日子一去不复返了。The days when software vendors could lock up users' data with nary a peep from their customers are over.

为了便于出错控制,对二进制或n进制数字一般要进行一次编码处理。An encoding procedure is generally applied to the group of bits or nary digits for error-control purposes.

而说到按键部分,它们提供良好的敲击回馈,几乎没有声音,而且没有软趴趴的感觉。As for the buttons, they provide good tactile feedback and make nary a sound -- all without feeling mushy.

一片沙滩,一本书,无边无际的海岸线,视线所及处空无一人,或许这就是我眼中的天堂。A beach, a book and an endless shoreline with nary a soul in sight pretty much sums up my idea of heaven here on Earth.

毫无显露他的存在的沙沙声,未加工的头通过树赛跑了并且上升道路对大,月光岩石。With nary a rustle to reveal his presence, Raw Head raced through the trees and up the path to a large, moonlight rock.

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瞧,钢铁侠站在那里,一位巨片中的巨星,没有一丝人类身上的弱点。LOOK at him standing there, a great big movie star in a great big movie, the Iron Man with nary a trace of human frailty.

用户未注意到的聊天消息仅仅是闪一下或者是发出哔的一声,很容易被忽略,除非用户切换到聊天室窗口。Unnoticed chats went ignored with nary a flash, blink, or beep until we came back to the window or tab containing the chat room.

该文以深港西部通道一线口岸区工程勘察为例,介绍了地质雷达在海上围堤勘察中的应用。The application of the blasting compaction method in the earth works of Shenzhen Nary Base sea in thick slob region is introduced.

当你恣意的将你的人民的性命全抛洒出去时,你的国王却安稳的坐在如同谎言的王位上,连伸出一个手指帮忙都不肯。You frivolously throw away the lives of your people while your own king sits atop his throne of lies, nary lifting a finger to help.

据称,渔民用十公里长的网捕获了大批鱼类,但可惜里面只有本地鱼,没有外国鱼,而食人鲳更是一条也没有。Fisherman using nets reportedly 10 kilometers long caught large quantities of fish, but natives rather than foreigners. Nary a piranha.

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作为一个领导者,中国安然度过了全球金融危机,却证明了它在外交方面出奇的失策。For a leadership that sailed through the global financial crisis with nary a misstep, the Chinese have proved surprisingly inept at diplomacy.

他们看上去轻易就能从咳嗽和频繁呼吸冷空气中获得健康,而且,他们还会戏谑地告诉你,这是由于他们拥有了太多的该死的健康。They appear to breeze healthily through cough and cold season with nary a sniffle, and what's worse, they tell you it's because they're so darn fit.

音频工程师埃里克·马查多正在前往新泽西上班的路上,他丝毫不为所动,经过时对这些四处走动的梦魇般的东西甚至连看都没看一眼。Erik Machado, an audio engineer heading to work in New Jersey, was unfazed and passed by the scene with nary a glance at the nightmares walking around.