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我们的承诺是不减少服务。Our commitment is not to diminish services.

肌肤,减轻黑眼圈和浮肿。The skin, diminish dark circles and puffiness.

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但是,为什么这部电影的对白确是笨拙?But why diminish all this with clunky dialogue?

你也可能通过其他途径减少责任。You could diminish responsibility in other ways.

他的把戏和怪癖无损于他的人道精神。His wiles and quirks do not diminish his humanity.

我们削弱自身力量,因此才会生病。We diminish ourselves and that's when we become ill.

什么也不能影响她对这项计划的热忱。Nothing could diminish her enthusiasm for the project.

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老师家访有助于消除家庭教育的分歧。Home-visiting can help diminish the diversity of opinions.

如果你磨蹭,成功的机会就会降低、被贬值。If you wait your chances of success will quickly diminish.

由于旱灾我们的水贮备减少了。Our water supply have diminish as a result of the drought.

这在一定程度上有助于减少恶意帖的影响。This should help diminish the influence of trolls somewhat.

宽椭圆形和圆滑的猫眼款可以起到收敛圆脸的效果。Wide ovals and sleek cat-eye styles work to diminish fullness.

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清热泻火,安神去烦,消炎抗菌,放松神经系统。Diminish inflammation and resist germs. Relax the nerve system.

如果你否决以惩失败,你就泯灭了冒险精神。If you punish failure with disapproval, you diminish risk taking.

然而,有一些通用的方法可以减少复杂性所带来的影响。Yet, there are general ways to diminish the impact of complexity.

第7天后施万细胞内自噬泡数量开始减少。After day 7, t he number of autophagic vacuoles began to diminish.

身体有了急火要及时消炎,拖不得。We should diminish the inflammation on time if we get internal heat.

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但求是科技基金会在中国科技界的影响力绝不减褪。But its impact on Chinese science and technology should not diminish.

如果您偏离方针,那么您的复用量将减少。If you stray from the guidelines, your amount of reuse will diminish.

它会抵制你偶尔出现的消极的自我暗示。It will diminish the negative self-talk you may sometimes experience.