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应用角叉菜胶致大鼠足跖肿胀。Use carrageenin to make white rats' toes tumorous.

这到好像是应该对我有所帮助的,但是肿瘤仍然在继续长大。While this seemed to help me, the tumorous growth remained.

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癌旁组织和非肿瘤组织未检出。No HPV was detected in para cancerous and non tumorous tissues.

甲状腺手术中喉返神经损伤与肿瘤位置和手术方式有关。The tumorous sites and the surgical method are risk factors for RLN palsy.

放射疗法的机制是通过产生自由基损伤癌细胞的DNA阻止其生长。Radiotherapy creates free radicals that damage DNA and stop tumorous cells from growing.

施钾肥提高了榨菜氨基酸含量,改善了榨菜营养品质。Potassium fertilizer can increase the content of amino acid in the tumorous stem mustard, and improve nutritional quality of it.

此后,为找出癌细胞中哪些基因发生了突变,他们比较了每个病人的健康和癌变基因组。They then compared the healthy and tumorous genomes of each patient, in order to discover which genes had mutated in the cancer.

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当时我很想知道到底是什么原因,就先去看了医生,医生告诉我说我体内有个肿瘤正在不停地长大,而且情况越来越严重。I wanted to know what it was, and I first went to a doctor, who informed me it was a tumorous growth and likely to become serious.

以23个茎瘤芥地方品种为试材估算了15个性状遗传力、遗传进度及遗传变异系数。The heritability and hereditary progress of 15 quantitative characters were estimated after testing 23 tumorous stem mustard landraces.

目的探讨纤维支气管镜下支架置入术治疗癌性气道阻塞的护理配合要点。Objective To explore the nursing cooperation points of placing stents via fibrobrochoscope in relieving the tumorous airway obstruction.

胃癌的侵袭和转移依赖于肿瘤间质中的血管生成和细胞外基质的降解。The invasion and metastasis of gastric cancer depend on the angiogenesis of tumorous stroma and the degradation of extracellular matrix.

提示,流行性牛白血病的发生与肿瘤组织中P53蛋白表达有重要关系。These results indicate that progression of enzootic bovine leucosis is closely related to expression of P53 protein in tumorous tissues.

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手术入路的选择与肿瘤的位置、大小、生长方向、质地、血供等情况密切相关。The choice of the operative approach is tightly relative to the tumorous position, size, growing direction, texture and blood supply, etc.

给药期间观察荷瘤小鼠的饮食情况、体重变化,并测量肿瘤的大小。Dietetic state and weight change of the tumor-bearing mice were observed and tumorous sige was measured during administration of endostatin.

结果联合升压化疗组肿瘤局部血流增加,药物浓度增加,肿瘤鼠的生存期延长。The local brain blood flow and local drug concentration of glioma was determined, and the tumorous weight and rat survival time was observed.

分4组,分别应用角叉菜胶、阿斯匹林,冷空气治疗,用玻璃容器法测量足跖肿胀容积。Carrageenin, aspirin and cryo- aerotheapy were applied separately in 4 groups with glass container method to mensurate the size of the tumorous toes.

目的探讨发生于小脑半球肿瘤性病变的MRI和CT表现,以提高诊断水平。Objective To discuss the MRI and CT imaging features of tumorous diseases in the cerebellar hemisphere in order to improve the accuracy of diagnosis.

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硒的抗衰老与抑制肿瘤细胞生长的作用是通过它对端粒酶的作用而实现的。The effects of selenium in resisting senescence and inhibiting tumorous cellular growths are accomplished through its effects on cellular telomerase.

此类产物是由上皮生长因子受体和免疫球蛋白超基因家族编码的,与肿瘤的恶性生长、调控和转移有关。These production are coded by epithelial growth factor receptor and immunoglobulin supergene family, regarding to tumorous malignant growth and regulation.

在皮肤科领域,CD40-CD40L相互作用参与了机体免疫性、炎症性、感染性及肿瘤性皮肤病的发生和发展。In dermatology field, the interaction of CD40-CD40L is involved in the occurrence and development of immunologic, inflammatory, infectious and tumorous dermatoses.