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“是为了钱男人家才娶她们的,”嬷嬷断然说。"Men mahys dem fer dey money, " said Mammy firmly.

不过他们全没有很多钱,我是唯一有钱的一个。Well, all de niggers went in, but dey didn't have much.

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气动抛动慢拉脱水装置。Pneumatic throwing and slow-lifting dey dration instrument.

我等了镇镇整整一个晚上,总是有人。Well, i wuz dah all night. dey wuz somebody roun all de time.

前Dey兄弟百货商场已转变为豪华公寓。A former Dey Brothersdepartment store has been converted to apartments.

现代教学媒体的选择是实现信息化教育的重要一环。Modern Educational media is a dey link in realizing informational education.

邓恩是所有大城市德富权的皮毛,但戴伊是可怕的硬毛德差。Dern big cities is all right fur de rich, but dey is terrible hard fur de poor.

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戴伊在报上写过很多报导,出版过两本书,都是揭露有关孟买犯罪团伙和黑社会的内容。Dey wrote many newspaper reports and two books on organized crime gangs in Mumbai.

德尔以我的名字,在我工作的写在纸上,都是一个DEM的女装给我一零先令。Dey take my name and where I work down on paper, an' both of dem ladies give me ten shillings.

戴伊也向警方报告说他接到了威胁电话。Dey had also informed the local police that he had been receiving these threatening calls, " Singh said.

如何保证准确级的准确性和稳定性是0.1级CVT设计中关键的问题。How to ensure veracity of accuracy class and its stability is a dey technical problem in designing class 0.1CVT.

莎拉有过整套“山鸡”的行头她穿着短迷你裙,戈戈舞鞋。,。装成自己是苏珊-戴。Sarah had the whole Partridge act down. She'd put on the little miniskirt, the go-go boots. and pretend she was Susan Dey.

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“他们也害了这种病,”嬷嬷用破布指了指两个光着身子湿淋淋的姑娘。"Dey wuz sick wid disyere thing, " Mammy gestured with her rag to the two naked girls, dripping with water on their damp sheet.

研究表明,甲马矿区海绵礁形成的关键因素是海平面变化,其主体的发育与海平面相对上升同步。It turns out that the dey factor for the formation of sponge reef was sea level changes and that the growth of reef was in concord with relative eustasy rise.

竞争与协同素质是现代人必需具备的良好的心理素质之一,也是现代社会人才培养的关键。The competition and coordination diatheses which is one of the psychological diatheses must be possessed for the modern people , it is also the dey of training the talent for the modern society.