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我从没见过像他那样又瘦又高的人。I had never seen a chap as tall and gangly as he was.

你召唤出一个野蛮瘦长的阴暗模糊的生物,完全听命于你。You summon a feral, gangly creature of shadow and mist to do your bidding.

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他盘起膝盖,然后像六岁小孩一样倾斜着自己的腿。He draws his knees beneath him, then splays his legs like a gangly six-year-old.

我喜欢在阳光下,由于它把涐照旳瘦高瘦高旳。怀念当时的我们。E like in the sunshine, because it E according to the tall gangly and bad. Then we miss.

同时在上海获得800米自由泳金牌的瘦长的孙杨,从一开始到结束一致控制着比赛。The gangly Sun, who had also won the 800 freestyle in Shanghai, controlled the race from start to finish.

瘦长的孙杨也赢得过上海游泳比赛的800米自由泳,自始至终保持着领先地位。The gangly Sun, who had also won the 800 freestyle in Shanghai, controlled the race from start to finish.

拉登的两个哥哥时年17岁,他则是一个身材瘦长、脸上挂着坦诚而略显不自信的笑容的少年。His two older brothers were 17, while bin Laden can be seen as a gangly teenager with an open and slightly unsure smile.

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后来我终于决定改变难看的发型,我的身体也终于长开了,我终于看上去不那么瘦削和笨拙了!I had finally decided to cut my bad haircut and I finally began to grow into my body, so I wasn't as awkward and gangly !

前臂瘦长,如同一只无翼的蝙蝠,后腿巨大,外形上和蝗虫的后腿相似,还长有几对残肢。It has long gangly forearms like a wingless bat large hind legs similar to a grasshopper's in shape and several pairs of vestigial limbs.

在这期间,设计草图变化很大,但这个人物最终的身形和瘦腿一直没变。During that time, design sketches evolved considerably, although the character's final body shape and gangly legs were there from the start.

有一天,当我在社区厨房做饭的时候,有人拿进来某种细长微黄、有点残缺不全的长茎蘑菇。One day while I was cooking in the community kitchen, someone brought in some gangly , yellowish orange imperfect mushrooms, with long stems.

看着第61个火炬手,一个矮墩的当地政府官员,将火炬传递给第62个,一个来自联合国的高挑的欧洲人。Watch Torchbearer 61, a pudgy local government official, pass the torch to Torchbearer 62, a tall gangly European man from the United Nations!

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铃声响了起来,一个嗓音尖细,身材瘦长,满脸粉刺的黑发男孩像油一样滑行冲过过道来和我说话。When the bell rang, a nasal buzzing sound, a gangly boy with skin problems and hair black as an oil slick leaned across the aisle to talk to me.

当我还是个小毛孩时,身高8英尺11英寸的瘦汉罗伯特沃德洛从我最喜欢的书中凝视着我,我便梦想能成为世界第一高人。As a boy, I dreamt of becoming the World's Tallest Man, inspired by the gangly 8ft 11in frame of Robert Wadlow peering out at me from my favourite book.

科尔顿•哈�斯-莫尔现年18岁,身材瘦长,眼神中带著狡黠,脸庞上长有酒窝。因8岁时被人指控偷盗单车,他早已被警方记录在案。Colton Harris-Moore, a gangly 18-year-old with furtive eyes and a dimpled chin, has been on police blotters since he was accused of stealing a bike at the age of 8.

乐英11岁就认识了他,那年他17岁,这个纤瘦的男孩,多年前把她带到外面的世界,让她怀上身孕那会儿,他很得体的向她求了婚。Mrs Loving had known him since she was 11 and he was 17 a gangly white boy who took her out for years and did the decent thing when he got her pregnant by asking her to marry him.

在最初设计阶段,内莫迪亚人类似于他们使用的战斗机器人,瘦长且拥有圆锥形鼻子,以表示这种战争机器是根据他们自己的形象设计的。In the initial design stage, the Neimoidians were to resemble the conical-snouted gangly battle droids that they employ, an indication that the war automata was designed in their image.

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这几个月的分别好像使他又长了几英寸,虽然他的长鼻子,红头发,和雀斑还一样,他比以前要更高更瘦了。He seemed to have grown several more inches during their month apart, making him taller and more gangly looking than ever, though the long nose, bright red hair, and freckles were the same.