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那是庙吗?Is that a temple?

那是什么庙?What temple is that?

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又名吕祖庙。Also Minglv Zu Temple.

谁是秀兰•邓波儿?Who is shirley Temple?

你去参观那座庙宇了吗?Did you see the Temple?

那是一个宝刹的一个小木屋。B cabin that's a temple.

杀庙街大雨。Kill temple street rain.

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如何去海印古寺?How to get to the temple?

庙宇用黄纸。Temple with yellow paper.

这座庙很古老了。The temple is rather old.

龙坡邦佛寺的后门。Luang Prabang temple gate.

比如在圣殿山发生的故事。You know the Temple Mount.

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庙中供奉传说中的“浙海之神”。Temple of the god of ocean.

对啊,这就是禹庙。Yes, this is the Yu Temple.

拯救圣殿山。You saved the temple mount.

一座庙宇耸峙在悬崖之上。A temple perched on a cliff.

今日以色列圣殿山。Israel's Temple Mount today.

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保罗崇拜圣殿。Paul worships in the temple.

岛上建有曹妃庙而得名。Caofei Temple was built here.

我们在寺里住了4天。We lived in the temple 4days.