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弥尔顿在这段中引用狄奥尼修斯的话。Milton's quoting Dionysius Alexandrinus in this passage.

狄奥尼修斯所描述的英雄时代的议事会正是这样由贵族组成的。Dionysius actually speaks of the council in the heroic age as composed of nobles.

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六世纪的神学家狄奥尼修斯列举的九个天使级别之一。One of the nine choirs of angels as listed by the sixth-century theologian Dionysius the Areopagite.

他们讲授的教义可以上溯到最高大法官狄奥尼修斯和新柏拉图主义者的思想那里。The Hesychasts taught doctrines which could be traced to Dionysius the Areopagite and Neoplatonist, thought.

他们在普遍接受的知识中是九个级别的天使之一,也被六世纪的神学家狄奥尼修斯所确立。One of the nine choirs of angels, as accepted on lore and determined by the sixth century theologian Dionysius the Areopagite.

普林尼告诉世人野生百里香的气味可以驱蛇,古代叙拉古王朝的暴君戴奥尼索司叙拉古却认为它是壮阳药。The odor of wild thyme, Pliny tells us, drives away snakes. Dionysius of Syracuse, on the other hand, thinks it an aphrodisiac.

普林尼告诉世人野生百里香的气味可以驱蛇,古代叙拉古王朝的暴君戴奥尼索司叙拉古却认为它是壮阳药。The odor of wild thyme , Pliny tells us, drives away snakes. Dionysius of Syracuse, on the other hand, thinks it an aphrodisiac.

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他们是六世纪的神学家狄奥尼修斯组建的,一般公认的天使层级这一,主要地被基督教会所采用。One of the nine accepted choirs of angels as organized by the sixth-century theologian Dionysius and adopted largely by the Christian church.

这是一般公认的九个天使阶层中最高级和最光辉灿烂的一个等级,正如公元六世纪的神学家狄奥尼修斯发展的天界体系一样,大量地被基督教会所吸收。The highest and most splendid of the nine accepted angelic orders as developed by the sixth-century theologian Dionysius the Areopagite and largely embraced by the Christian Church.

除了两度前往西西里岛,因应迪欧尼修斯之邀,前去协助建立,位于,Syracuse,的哲学王权,他一直待在雅典教书,写作。Except for two expeditions to Sicily, where he went at the request of Dionysius to help try to establish a philosophical kingship in Syracuse, he remained in Athens teaching and writing.

他认为艺术是日神和酒神两种精神冲撞和迸发的产物,是权力意志的表现形式。Nietzsches aesthetic view is an essential part of his life philosophy which holds that art is the manifestation of power will and product of collision of two spirits-Apollo and Dionysius.