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修习者需导引内力,亦即对决心毫不动摇的承诺。The aspirant must channel the fire, an unwavering commitment of intent.

而且这还是一个德高望重的人,那如果换作一个“普通”修行者又会怎么样呢?And this was a respected teacher. What would happen to the “normal” aspirant?

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一些诸如肝肿大或者鼻窦炎的疾病也只能让摩托爱好者看着摩托车干眼红。Ailments such as enlarged livers or sinusitis will rule out aspirant motorists.

自然的,精神上进必须比每天喝他自己的尿做的更多。Naturally, the spiritual aspirant must do more than drink his own piddle every day.

然而,整个社会的变化并不如志向远大的娜拉们所希望的那么快。Yetsociety as a whole changed less quickly than the aspirant Noras would have wished.

在那里,美国的朋友和有成为北约成员抱负的格鲁吉亚表示它濒临与俄罗斯开战。There, American friend and NATO aspirant Georgia says it's on the brink of war with Russia.

说回草根基层,许许多多的伪弗格也在做着同样的事情,这令到足球的乐趣锐减。Down at the grassroots, too many of the aspirant Fergusons do the same, and it is wrecking the fun.

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正是如此,如果一个求道者拥有了辩别力、冷静和对古鲁的话充满信心,那么就不会遭受痛苦。Just so, an aspirant does not suffer if he has discrimination, dispassion , and faith in the guru's words.

印度最国际化和最渴望成为国际金融中心的城市在这三天内充斥着交火。For three days India’s most cosmopolitan city and aspirant international financial centre echoed with gunfire.

我们一块在桥上站了大约五分钟,不可否认是作为一个第一等级思考者和心情激动的景仰者。For perhaps five minutes we stood together on the bridge, undeniable grade-one thinker and breathless aspirant.

对真正的灵修者来说,专注是通过信、力、念、定、慧达到的。The concentration of the true spiritual aspirant is attained though faith, energy, recollectedness, absorption and illumination.

像Vicky和她的朋友这样的人是年轻人中走在前列的,他们是广大的渴望消费的一群人中的先驱者。People like Vicky and her friends represent the leading edge, the trailblazers for a huge mass of young, eagerly aspirant consumers.

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星盘主制造他的一个详细的、根据有害的的连接、即刑和对位的观点的、对于第十二宫位情况的研究。The aspirant makes a detailed study of his twelfth house conditions from the standpoint of malefic conjunctions squares and oppositions.

从过去两年的步骤现在是显而易见的医生认为婆罗门是唯一的现实是,数量和实现的所有上进的希望。From the last two steps it is now obvious to the practitioner that Brahman is the only reality that counts and its realization is all the aspirant wants.

他们积极向上,对新鲜事物充满了好奇,强烈的求知欲促使他们去更多地了解世界以应对挑战。They are active, aspirant and curious about the new things. The strong desire for knowledge promotes them to learn more about and meet the challenges of the world.

许多人不知道,为暴利驱使的野心家们已在暗中建立起了一个基因帝国,妄想把全人类的基因据为己有。A lot of people do not know , the aspirant that drives for sudden huge profits people already darkling built empire of a gene , covet the gene glom on to complete mankind.

他善于意识形态宣传,长于战略和组织,但却永远不可能像本拉登一样,成为那些野心勃勃的圣战分子或退役军人等激进的追随者的焦点。He is good on ideology, strong on strategy and even organisation but can never be the focal point for active followers, whether aspirant jihadis or veteran militants, that Bin Laden was.

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这样的训诫在任何一个有抱负的美国黑人家庭的餐桌谈话中都可以听到,父母们会告诉孩子们为了获取同样的成功,他们必须比同辈的白人孩子付出双倍的努力。Such admonitions are commonplace at any aspirant black American dinner table, where parents tell children they will have to work twice as hard as their white counterparts to get just as far.

当这种专注没有不执相伴并因此继续留下无明时,修习者将达到无身无神的状态,或融入自然的力量中。When such concentration is not accompanied by non-attachment, and ignorance there fore remains, the aspirant will reach the state of the disicarnate gods or become merged in the forces of Nature.

当这种专注没有不执相伴并因此继续留下无明时,修行者将达到无身之神的状态,或融入自然的力量中。When such concentration is not accompanied by non-attachment, and ignorance therefore remains, the aspirant will reach the state of the disincarnate gods or become merged in the forces of Nature.