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人类体质怎会有差异?。Why have difference among human habitus?

惯习是与场域对应的一个基本概念,惯习与场域紧密结合。Habitus is another fundamental notion corresponding to field.

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根据患者的自身身体素质和病情选择电击能量。Body habitus and urgency are guides to choosing the shock energy.

因此这种矛盾心态对于女性在争取两性平等时会造成极大的负面影响。Thus, it is this contradicting habitus that hampered the movement of gender equality.

探讨美容性节目如何将流行文化知识转化为生活风格之习癖。How does beauty program change the fashion cultural knowledge into lifestyle as habitus.

教学机智作为一种创新性行动,深受教师的教学惯习的影响。As a kind of innovative action, teaching tact is deeply influenced by teachers teaching habitus.

并在此基础上提出了一系列构建现代化农民心理文化惯习的途径与措施。And on this basis a series of means and measures are proposed to build modern psychological cultural habitus of farmers.

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布迪厄用场域、资本、惯习以及它们之间的关系创造性地回答了这三个相互联系的问题。Bourdieu answered the three related questions by means of Field, Capital, Habitus and their relations in an original fashion.

在这情况,因为他们是有经济的首都的一些,所以习惯是中产阶级的再现有通路。In this case, habitus is the reproduction of the middle-class having access because they are the ones that have the economical capital.

羊胎素产品是世界领先者,具有美容、强身、益夀三大功效。The best among all the placenta products the world, with three major function of keeping youth strengthen habitus and delaying caducity.

习性是一个构筑在实践层面上的后天获得的性情系统,是在实践中形成的即兴创作的能力。Habitus are an acquired disposition system constructed on the level of practice and are an impromptu creative ability formed in practice.

场域、资本、惯习以及三者之间的关系所形成的理论体系,就是布迪厄社会实践理论的主要内容。The theory system which is formed by Field, Capital, Habitus and their relations is the main core of the social practice theory of Bourdieu.

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其突出表现是青年过渡问题研究,布迪厄的习性理论以及生命历程社会化理论。This paper focuses on three problems , such as the problem of youth transition, the theory of habitus and life-course theory of socialization.

对侧的肾脏功能是正常的,且病患的医疗状况、解剖构造、与习惯可以接受任何治疗选择。Contralateral kidney function was normal, and any treatment option was possible given the patient's medical condition, anatomy, and body habitus.

研究发现,译者们的思维习惯影响他们对信息表达功能的使用,而信息表达功能的使用又会进一步对整个目的语篇的效果产生影响。It is concluded that the translators' habitus could affect their instructive functions, which in turn act on the effects of the target discourse.

研究人员解释指出,这种体型的病人可能需要其它的诊断方法,例如放射活性纤维素原吸入研究。"For patients with this body habitus , other diagnostic studies, such as the radioactive fibrinogen uptake study, may be needed, " the authors explain.

“场域”和“惯习”是布迪厄社会学理论中的两个核心概念,“场域-惯习”论是布迪厄实践社会学的重要组成部分。Field" and "Habitus" are two core concepts in Bourdieu's sociology theory. Theory of "Field-Habitus" is an important part of Bourdieu's sociology of practice.

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本文通过剖析作品中黑人的身份和价值观,揭示出黑人的双重身份,顺从和反抗的习性以及黑人所处的生活困境。Through an analysis of the identity and values of Blacks, the thesis points out the dual capacity, the obedience and rebellious "habitus" and torments of Blacks.

流动儿童家庭父母惯习的改变和文化能力的提高对流动儿童家庭教育的改善非常有意义。The improvement of the cultural capability of the parents and the change of the old habitus has great significance to the family education of the migrant children.

资本的积累决定了行动者在场域中所占位置的高低,决定了场域惯习的形成,场域中的斗争归根结底是资本的争夺。The accumulation of capital determines the actors's position in the field and decides to form the habitus. Ultimately, the struggle of field is a competition for capital.