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记住儿童绑架是很少发生的。Remember that child abduction is very rare.

究竟什么导致他们被绑架,至今仍不清楚。It is not clear what actually provoked their abduction.

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这起绑架案的具体情况仍不明朗。The circumstances of Bergdahl's abduction remain unclear.

一个女人路过,看见了整个过程,还听见她大喊救命。A woman passer-by saw the abduction and heard her cry out.

我们已经对男孩以绑架罪进行立案。We have registered an FIR under abduction against the boy.

外展肌分开的角度是内收肌灵活型的一个重要指标。Abduction stance is a good indicator of adductor flexibility.

其他牵涉较多被拐骗儿童的国家包括澳大利亚、法国和埃及。Other abduction hotspots included Australia, France and Egypt.

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最后,稀里糊涂,判了个拐带妇女罪!Finally, sleepwalk, sentenced to a crime of abduction of women!

持械抢劫和诱拐案的案发率在全国范围内都有所上升。Armed robbery and abduction have been on the increase countrywide.

孩子们解放了,不用再受到绑架的可怕威胁。Children are free. The terrifying threat of abduction has now gone.

刑法第239条的罪名应统一定为绑架罪。Article 239 in Criminal Code should be named the crime of abduction.

中方还将采取哪些措施打击儿童拐卖行为?What extra measures will China take to fight against child abduction?

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他指责波卡涅拉策划绑架阿米莉亚和试图刺杀他。He accuses Boccanegra of plotting the abduction and tries to stab him.

这项规定是针对国际社会对拐骗儿童问题的关注而设立的。This requirement evolved from international concern about child abduction.

风,无情的抛弃了我的过往,多情的掠走我的惆怅!Wind, the merciless abandon my past, Duoqing the abduction of my melancholy!

一位年轻的记者目睹了剧场明星碧亚翠丝·勒·布朗的绑架案。A young journalist witnesses the abduction of the theater star Beatrice Le Brun.

千万不能用两腿之间保持外展的支持棒给小儿翻身。Abduction stabilizer bar between legs is never used as a handle to turn the child.

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Facebook的这项声明在他遭绑架的15周年纪念日前夜发布。The Facebook announcement comes on the eve of the 15th anniversary of her abduction.

联合国发表了一份声明,强烈谴责绑架和谋杀行径。The United Nations released a statement strongly denouncing the abduction and killing.

我警告你不要惹我,不然我就要特别请它把你勾去。I warn you to refrain from provoking me, or I'll ask your abduction as a special favour.