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哈罗德·贝尔瑟。Harold Belser.

哈罗德。邓洛普?The Harold Dunlop?

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哈罗德来自加拿大。Harold comes from Canada.

哈罗德。莎宝先生有电话。We have a call for Mr. Harold Sabin.

哈罗德总是拍老闆的马屁。Harold is always brown-nosing the oss.

哈罗德老是拍老板的马屁。Harold is always brown-nosing the boss.

哈洛德年轻时体格壮硕。In his youth Harold was an imposing figure.

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贝蒂和哈洛德已经是已婚的长达数年之久。Betty and Harold have been married for years.

但是哈罗德和莫德连一小块都没有尝过。But Harold and Maude never got a single slice.

哈罗德·丹顿,当时是一位美国核管理委员会的高级官员。Harold Denton, a senior official with the U. S.

哈大叔全名哈罗德·哈克特,他玩的是最原始的社交网络。Harold Hackett is the original social networker.

戴亚亚去哈乐做工作,希望两人能再续前缘。Dai Yaya to Harold work, two people hope can again.

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哈罗德身边的臣仆仍严守纪律。The housecarls around Harold preserved their discipline.

哈罗德要求老板别再干涉他的私生存。Harold question his boss stop meddling in his manal life.

哈德罗患水肿性喉炎多年了。For many years Harold was afflicted with edematous laryngitis.

最近的例子就是末日论者康平了。Harold Camping is the most recent example of such a doomsayer.

我本来以为哈罗德告诉你那些事后,你决不会漠然置之的。I thought you'd never cool down after what Harold said to you.

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奥斯汀的得克萨斯大学研究它们。Harold Zakon studies them at the University of Texas at Austin.

奈顿夫人认为,伊莎贝尔嫁给哈罗德是糟塌自己。Mrs. Knighton thought Isabel had thrown herself away on Harold.

哈罗德以18.75的相同得分并列第一名。Harold shared the first place with the identical score of 18. 75.