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该塔顶上装竖着塔尖。The tower is surmounted with a spire.

那是一座有百叶窗的钟楼和尖顶的教堂。It was a church with a shuttered belfry and spire.

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我们望着塔尖是金黄色的那座塔。We looked at the tower the spire of which was golden.

一只黑色的铁公鸡坐在村里教堂的塔尖上。A black iron cock sits on the spire of the town church.

所有塔中,只有这一座有个细长的石柱矗立在塔顶平台上。But of them all, this one alone was topped by a thin spire.

很棒的设计,它就像爱尔爱兰塔上加上了尖顶。Awesome design. It looks like Burj al Alam if it had a spire.

勇敢的人可能会爬上那在尖塔外蜿蜒而上直通塔顶的150层阶梯。Brave souls may climb the 150 stairs winding outside the spire to its top.

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电视塔的天线设计在塔尖的最高处。The tower is designed to put the antenna at a maximum height on the spire.

而爱丁堡私立Spire医院的泌尿科医生也拒绝做此项手术。The urologist at Edinburgh's private Spire hospital would not do it either.

长廊。巴洛克风俗尖顶,一眼望去,十分欧化。Promenades. Baroque customs spire , one looked very Europeanized. Beautiful.

前方有欧洲最古老的证券交易中心,上面的塔尖奇特而又宏伟。The curious yet majestic-looking spire ahead tops the oldest stock exchange in Europe.

尽管,它在风格上和我在尖塔里研究过的文字有些类似。Although, stylistically it's similar to these glyphs I've been studying from the Spire.

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教堂塔尖几英里之外就可见到,它有一个附属学校。The church spire is visible from miles away, and the parish operates an adjoining school.

南达科他州黑岗石林里,攀岩者从三齿钉山尖下滑。Rock climbers descend the spire of Tricouni Nail in the Needles of South Dakota Black Hills.

在闪耀之城科洛桑街道的上方,高高耸立着绝地神殿的尖顶。Somewhere high above the streets of glittering Coruscant soars the spire of the Jedi Temple.

也有矮个子的,在大树叶下,一丛丛地伸展着小细叶。There are shorter people, and in large leaves, the stretching of the small patches of spire.

尖顶下必须是一个圆形房间,其中有窗,能让人向外眺望科洛桑的都市风景。The spire had to house a round room, with windows giving a view out over the cityscape of Coruscant.

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前方有个1619年建造的欧洲最古老的股市交易中心,上面有个奇异又壮观的塔尖。The curious yet majestic-looking spire ahead tops the oldest stock exchange in Europe, built in 1619.

前方有个1619年建造的欧洲最古老的证券交易中心,上面的塔尖奇特而又宏伟。The curious yet majestic-looking spire ahead tops the oldest stock exchange in Europe, built in 1619.

比萨斜塔自1173年开始建造,不久之后就出现了地基不平的问题。Soon later establishing started in 1173, mbt casual, the foundation of the Pisa spire settled unevenly.