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阳,暴晒这我。Yang, which I exposure.

这间屋朝阳。The room has a southern exposure.

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哈哈,真的长见识了。Haha, really long exposure of the.

每张图片有20秒曝光时间。Each image is a 20-second exposure.

夜间合适的曝光度是多少?What is a proper exposure at night?

现在,让我们调整鞋钉曝光。Now, let's adjust the tacks exposure.

我扬言要公开揭发他们。I threatened them with public exposure.

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限制自己的出行,不要让自己暴露于风险高发地。Limit exposure to high-risk situations.

我们来查一下曝光表。Let's have a look at the exposure meter.

由于设备丢失或者被窃而导致的数据泄漏Data exposure due to device loss or theft

苏珊被指控犯有猥亵露体罪。Susan was charged with indecent exposure.

他住在一间朝北的房间里。He lives in a room with southern exposure.

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历史上暴露于工业污染Historic exposure to industrial pollution.

这样有利于避免接触到传染源。This helps to avoid exposure to infection.

短期的暴露在BPA环境中会导致不孕不育Short exposure to BPA can cause infertility

避免暴露在阳光下直晒。Exposure to direct sunlight must be avoided.

经过风吹后她的皮肤很干。Her skin was dry after exposure to the wind.

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唯一不同的曝光时间时,包围。Only vary the exposure time when bracketing.

她选了一间朝东的房间。She chose the room with an eastern exposure.

面临职业性接触风险者应Those at risk of occupational exposure should