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他的皮肤上长满了难看的疹块。His skin was covered with unsightly blotches.

然而,他们却很难看,也引起疼痛。However, they are unsightly and can be painful.

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首先,这家夜总会本身就很不堪入目。To begin with, the club itself is very unsightly.

面向对象编程和其它不良习惯Object-oriented programming and other unsightly habits

其实在家也可轻松地去除难看的黑头。Try a simple home remedy to get rid of unsightly blackheads.

先不说它长得有多难看!它还只有三条腿。Not to mention how unsightly it looked. It only had three legs.

柏林市内的波兰市场因为被认为有碍观瞻而关闭了。The Polish market in Berlin was considered unsightly and shut down.

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这是非常不雅观,同时这也反映出他们的工作效率。It is unsightly and this can reflect on the efficiency of their work.

食物或油脂粘在玻璃杯边缘都是不堪入目的。It’s unsightly to see food particles or grease on the rim of your glass.

氧化可以使看不见的污渍变化成黄色脓斑。And oxidation can turn an invisible stain into an unsightly yellow blotch.

经常修剪并清洗你的胡子以防止自己变得难看。Always trim and wash your facial hair to prevent it from looking unsightly.

它们无法提高外观,却只能让你变得无比难看。They cannot be used to enhance appearance, and are just flat-out unsightly.

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一些标签的位置歪斜或显示一个难看的起泡效果。Some of the labels were positioned askew or displaying an unsightly bubbling effect.

将你的领带整个地卷好,这样可以避免由于你只卷一半而导致的难看的皱褶。Roll your ties to avoid the unsightly fold that forms when you simply fold them in half.

尤其在夏天,过多的腋毛常造成女性的困扰。Axillary hair is especially unsightly for women in certain cultures during the summer time.

它可以帮你打扫地下室,到机场去接你,甚至帮你处理掉难看的污渍!It would clean your basement, pick you up at the airport and eliminate unsightly blemishes!

它使图像产生难看的颗粒,特别是在单块颜色的地方。It gives the image an unsightly grainy appearance, especially in smooth monochromatic areas.

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只有这样,才能真正的问题,脂肪是,它是有碍观瞻,使你感到自我意识。The only real problem with cellulite is that it is unsightly and makes you feel self conscious.

肯德基的专家在查看过照片后认为这块看起来比较恶心的内脏是鸡肾。Experts at KFC have examined the photograph and believe the unsightly organ was a chicken kidney.

布拉德-皮特长时间蓄起的难看胡子一度让人们认为曾经最性感的男人消失了。Brad Pitt's unsightly beard led to speculation that the once 'sexiest man alive' had lost his appeal.