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他们违抗命令还是去了。They went in defiance of the order.

我对我的姿态不佳毫无办法。Assumed a posture of angry defiance.

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他以挑衅性的态度把门砰地一下关上。He slammed the door in a spirit of defiance.

它指自作主张和轻蔑。Brook It implies self-assertion and defiance.

他们首次的违背受到了严厉的惩罚。Their first act of defiance is punished harshly.

那个小男孩不听话地噘起了下巴。The little boy jutted his chin forward in defiance.

但他们已属于违抗军令了。But they have been a defiance of the military orders.

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皇太后开口,谁敢不从。The empress dowager opens mouth, who defiance not from.

他交织着一种又窘迫又想反抗的心情。He was in a state of mingled embarrassment and defiance.

她谨防懦夫的暗箭,从挑衅中挖掘异议。She takes caution for cowardice and dissent for defiance.

他没有那种顶得住舆论的气概。He hasn't in him to stand out in defiance of public opinion.

他大声叫喊,违抗这警察要求肃静的警告。He shouted in defiance of the policeman's warning to be quiet.

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因此,各个丫鬟见了她都不敢怠慢。Therefore, each servant girl saw her don't defiance to neglect.

卡扎菲暴躁蔑视的图像,面对罢黜在不断地闪烁着。Images of Gadhafi's fiery defiance flashed in the face of ouster.

面对这一切,他的态度揉合着愤怒、悲哀和蔑视。He is addressing it with a mixture of anger, sadness and defiance.

魏老哪里话,我怎么敢怪罪王兄呢!The Wei is old where words, how do I defiance to blame Wang Xiong!

有一天我们不顾种姓的禁忌在这别墅里共享野餐。One day we had a picnic there together, in defiance of caste rules.

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由于采取了这些预防措施,侍臣们根本不必担心传染。With such precautions the courtiers might bid defiance to contagion.

在经历长时期的相对宽松后,反抗会来得更为强烈。Defiance will be all the greater after a long period of relative ease.

哎呀,但当母鸡喔喔叫时,她没有倾听有无对抗还是挑战。But alas, when the hen crows, she listens for no defiance or challenge.