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他改信佛教了。He converted to Buddhism.

所以他们转向信仰犹太教。So they converted to Judaism.

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他们住在谷仓改建成的房屋。The live in a converted barn.

他使他们改信佛教。He converted them to Buddhism.

约翰改信佛教了。John has converted to Buddhism.

他使我改信基督教。He converted me to Christianity.

它会转化成燃料芯块。It is converted into fuel pellets.

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怀特先生已改信佛教。Mr White has converted to Buddhism.

你是在演讲厅里皈依尼采学说的吗?Were you converted in a lecture-room?

他将法郎兑换成美元。He converted his frances into dollars.

他真诚地改信了基督教。He honestly converted to Christianity.

使用转化值以进行计算。Use the converted value for calculation.

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否则,它们将返回转换值。Otherwise, they return the converted value.

在武汉,新的马迷群体已经形成。Wuhan's new racing crowd has been converted.

英国1971年改变了旧币制。Britain converted from the old system in 1971.

他已放弃佛教改信天主教了。He has converted from Buddhism to Catholicism.

如果是红筹,所有的股票可转换。If it is red-chip, all shares can be converted.

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它们最后不会转换成0和。It's not going to get converted into 0s and 1s.

她把她的人民币兑换成英镑。She converted her Renminbi into pound sterling.

人们也可以将合成气转化为别的物质。Syngas can also be converted into other things.