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格西麦克·罗区上海行公开讲座!Geshe Michael Roach Shanghai Open Talks!

类似于斜齿鳊的欧洲淡水鱼。European freshwater fish resembling the roach.

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这家旅馆的房间里有股蟑螂的味道。The rooms in this hotel savour of a whiff of roach.

他发现自己的哥哥住在一套破旧肮脏、蟑螂肆虐的公寓里。He found his brother in a seedy, roach -infested apartment.

在麻药品店里他买了些蟑螂夹子和烟管。He bought some roach clips and hashish pipes at the head shop.

他在幻觉用品商店买了一些大麻卷烟烟蒂夹子和大麻吸食管。He bought some roach clips and hashish pipes at the head shop.

发现食物,一只蟑螂仔细观察着两英尺高的猪笼草。Sensing food, a roach peers into a two-foot-tall pitcher plant.

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随着它的外壳受损,小强会很快死于脱水。With its shell damaged, the roach will soon die of dehydration.

蟑螂是一种移动迅速的单位,而且回血也快。The roach is a very fast moving unit that recovers health quickly.

背部肌肉发达,在马肩隆后没有塌陷,在腰部也没有拱起。Back muscular with no dip behind the withers or roach over the loin.

然而,罗奇关于美国人不应过分关注人民币汇率一说也是正确的。Yet, Roach is probably right that the U.S. shouldn't care very much.

而少了身体的头部,则说明昆虫的神经元如何发挥功能。And studies of bodiless roach heads elucidate how insect neurons work.

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如果把它进行冷藏,并且提供它营养,一个蟑螂的头甚至可以活更长的时间。If given nutrients and refrigerated, a roach head can last even longer.

“如果哈顿敢于和我们硬碰硬,我们就KO他,”罗奇说。"If Hatton stands toe-to-toe with us, we'll knock him out, " said Roach.

对没有身体的蟑螂头的研究,揭示了它们的神经元是如何工作的。And studies of bodiless roach heads shed light on how their neurons work.

金罗奇是一位高效多产的博客迷,她经常在“有效生活”上写一些博客。Kim Roach is a productivity junkie who blogs regularly at The Optimized Life.

下面列出了一系列使用简单工具的小强消灭术。The following is a list of roach extermination techniques using simple tools.

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蟑螂射程增加会让立场的效果变差吗?Q. Wouldn't the increased Roach range reduce the effectiveness of Force Fields?

自恐龙时代之后,我们的世界再也没有具备垂直跳跃能力的蟑螂了。Not since the age of dinosaurs has the world known a roach with a vertical leap.

正确的小跑,背线必须保持稳固、水平,不能摇摆、滚动、甩动、或拱起。At full trot, the back must remain firm and level without sway, roll, whip or roach.