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我最喜欢的消遣是以及朋友谈天。My favorite pastime is chatting with friends.

逛街是很多女孩最喜欢的消磨时间的方式。Window-shopping is many girls' favorite pastime.

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在巴基斯坦,放风筝是项危险的娱乐活动。Flying a kite in Pakistan is a dangerous pastime.

在移动设备上玩游戏是一项有趣的消遣。Playing games on mobile devices is a fun pastime.

棒球可谓是美国的“国球”。Baseball is known as America's" national pastime".

我忍不住。园艺师我最喜欢的消遣方式。I can't help it. Gardening is my favorite pastime.

游泳是香港人最喜爱的夏日康乐活动。Swimming is Hong Kong's most popular summer pastime.

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请给我讲一讲你最喜欢的消遣方式好吗?Can you tell me something about your favorite pastime?

他喜爱的消遣就是轻拍他小猫柔软的爪子。His favorite pastime was patting his kitten’s soft paws.

上午四节课后,沿着包河走回家真是很不错的消遣休闲时刻。Walking along the Baohe River is a very rewarding pastime.

这是一种消遣,许多巴基斯坦人迎接与困惑。It is a pastime that many pakistanis greet with bemusement.

如今,怀旧不再只是老人的恶癖,它已成为国民的消遣。It is no longer the vice of the aged, but a national pastime.

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定义和分析什么是幽默是缺乏幽默感者的游戏。Defining and analyzing humor is a pastime of humorless people.

实际上,对于这类人来说,谈论别人是他们最大的消遣。In fact, talking about other people is her number one pastime.

闲人把爱情当作正事,忙人把爱情当成消遣。——布尔沃·利顿。Idle people take love as a business, but the love as a pastime.

打台球是一项年轻人喜爱的活动。Playing billiards was another favorite pastime for young people.

如果你去过印度,你应该知道这个国家的娱乐运动是板球。If you've been to India, you know the national pastime is cricket.

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而睡觉是消磨时间的最佳方法——它确确实实花去的时间。Sleep was the greatest pastime of all—it literally passed the time.

读书是打发闲暇的悦人的消遣。Read a book being the pastime delighting person send leisure's away.

主张保护斗蟋蟀纯娱乐性的人担心,这种休闲活动正受到金钱文化的威胁。Purists fret that the pastime is being threatened by a money culture.