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他不经意把杯子打碎了。He inadvertently broke the glass.

如今,他们又无意之中脱离了这个行列。Now, they have inadvertently drifted out.

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我不小心在马路上辗过一个人。I inadvertently ran over someone on the road.

每行一处,不经意间便沐浴在了花香之中。Each line, inadvertently are bathed in flowers.

只是在不经意间暗将年轮偷换。Only in the dark will ring inadvertently substituted.

你当然不想它们无意之中破坏你的计划吧。You don’t need them inadvertently sabotaging your plans.

落花有意随流水,流水无心葬落花。Lahuaweiyi with water, water inadvertently buried Fallen.

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不经意抬头,看见他额上细细密密的汗珠。Inadvertently looked up, saw his forehead thin thick sweat.

放轻脚步,要不你可能无意中把别人吓走。Tread lightly, or you could inadvertently scare others away.

我今年37岁了,中年生活就这样不经意地来到了。I am 37 years old, middle-aged life so inadvertently arrived.

学生误将“weird”中的e和i次序写颠倒了。The student inadvertently transposed the e and the i in “weird”.

力图恢复大草原的研究者们不经意问起过这个问题。This was the question the prairie restorers inadvertently asked.

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这些文化可能是有意或无意间建立的。Those cultures can be built consciously or evolve inadvertently.

⊙、无意间发现了一些满天星,那可是我的守护花朵呢!Inadvertently found a number of stars, it is my guardian flowers!

我等学佛修道之人敢不慎乎?!I and other Buddhist religious people dare to even inadvertently?!

但是2009年1月,她觉得她的婚姻应该是很稳固的——知道她无意间发现了珊弗先生写给他的小情人的信件。Inadvertently she found a letter from Mr. Sanford to his mistress.

是否会不小心与第三方共享机密数据?Are you inadvertently sharing confidential data with third parties?

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不过,就普劳夫的例子而言,他可能无意之间透露了一些东西。In this case, however, Plouffe may inadvertently be onto something.

无意中透露出的消息暗示可能会派来一名新经理。The possibility of sending a new manager was inadvertently hinted at.

无意中看到一个小娃娃的盒子装,我拿出一个小娃娃。Inadvertently saw a small doll's box installed, I took out a small doll.