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我船舶上的船员身体健康,我要求无疫通行证。My vessel is healthy and I require free pratique.

除实施电讯检疫的航空器,均要求提供货物舱单。Cargo manifest is required except for aircraft applying radio pratique.

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如果无线电报中缺少以上的任何一项,那么检疫申请都不会通过。Your cable for radio pratique will not be accepted if any of above were omitted.

我船舶上的船员身体健康,我要求无疫通行证。AvonportPortControl. This is Utopia. Myvessel is healthy and I require free pratique.

另外在该港口带宠物上岸是禁止的,现在你得到免检证了。Moreover, taking pets ashore is forbidden in this port. Now you've got Free Pratique.

如果船只直接进入泊位,应在获得入港许可、靠泊后发出备妥通知。If the vessel directly berths, NOR shall be tendered upon berthing after free pratique.

最近,我们收到大窑湾检验检疫局关于船舶无线电检疫的一项新规定。We have recently received a new rule from Dayao Bay Quarantine Inspection Office regarding vessel's radio pratique. According to the new rule.

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如果因船舶自身原因导致其没有获得入港许可,应开立一份新的备装通知,并发出。If the vessel is not in free pratique on arrival at the berth due to causes attributable to the vessel, then a new notice of readiness shall be tendered.

来自国外港口的船舶白天进港须挂检疫黄旗,检疫结束后降下,夜间用三盏红灯替代。Yellow Flag must be hauled up for vessels from foreign countries daytime and be hauled down only after free pratique granted. Three red lights should be switched on during nighttime as substitute.

从锚地到卸货泊位的移泊时间,由于靠泊操作和船只准备靠泊而损失的时间以及在锚地或靠泊后为办完入港许可而花费的时间。Shifting time from anchorage to unloading berth, time lost due to berthing operations and preparations by the vessel to berth, and time taken for completion of pratique at anchorage or after berthing.