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不要乱扔废纸。Don't litter the place with wastepaper.

拾起的是纸屑,树立却是榜样!Wastepaper you pick, yet model you set!

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不然,就把它们丢到废纸筐里去好了。Otherwise, just throw them into the wastepaper basket.

他把这些信撕碎,扔进字纸篓里。He ripped the letters up and threw them in the wastepaper basket.

在某些情况下,可在配料中混合一些废纸纸浆。And, in some cases, wastepaper pulp may be blended in the furnish.

难道中央的命令是一些白话,一张废纸?The difficult way central order is some vernaculars , a piece of wastepaper?

请把地面上的纸片拾起来,扔进纸篓里。Please pick up the ground to the paper, thrown into the wastepaper basket in.

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让人称奇的是,现场竟无纸屑和刺鼻气味。To people's amazement, there was no wastepaper or pungent smell at the scene.

他一气之下,把她写来的信揉成一团,扔进了。In his flay, he screwed up her letter and threw it into the wastepaper basket.

塞在桌子是木制的废纸篓里洋溢着纸和碎片。Stuffed under the desk is a wooden wastepaper basket overflowing with paper and debris.

从办公室的废纸篓里找到了一个旧文件夹,用它做成了屋顶,然后他还给地板上了色。The office wastepaper basket provided an old file, which made the roof, and he painted the floors.

研究了以废纸为原料,以淀粉为粘合剂的发泡包装缓冲材料的制造工艺。The technology of making foaming buffer packaging material with wastepaper and starch was studied.

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采用电絮凝法处理废纸脱墨废水。The electroflocculation was utilized in treatment of wastewater produced in deinking for wastepaper.

探讨了废纸酶法脱墨的机理以及废纸酶法脱墨的工艺和效果。This paper has discussed the mechanism, process and effect of enzyme deinking applied on wastepaper.

我会问一下凡‧赫尔辛太太看她是否会用到它们。不然,就把它们丢到废纸筐里去好了。I'll ask Mrs. Van Helsing if she can use them. Otherwise, just throw them into the wastepaper basket.

研制的铁制网状纸篓成型控制系统安全可靠,控制尺寸准确。The molding control system developed on iron mesh wastepaper basket is reliable and control size is accurate.

不要在你自己的小号垃圾桶或废纸篓里套塑料袋,直接把垃圾扔进大号的垃圾桶或垃圾箱里。Leave your smaller trash cans or wastepaper baskets unlined and dump you trash directly into your large garbage cans or dumpster.

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通过把这些计算结合起来,他们确定了全球能够利用废纸生产的乙醇数量。By combining these calculations, they established a global figure for the amount of ethanol that could be yielded from wastepaper.

他生活在泰国北部的清迈市,那儿没有政府收购项目,但是垃圾会被分类,废纸就被卖掉。There is no official recycling program where he lives, in Chiang Mai in the north, but garbage is sorted, wastepaper product is sold.

弹性凸版印刷因使用环保水性印墨受到重视,而大量废纸回收制造之瓦楞纸箱需求也日趋殷盛。Flexography is valued for the usage environmental protection water-based ink and the recovery manufacturing of wastepaper to corrugated box.