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他今晚要从医务室出来了。He’s getting out of the infirmary tonight.

汉娜躺在病房里的一间小屋子里。Hanna lay in the infirmary in a small cubicle.

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你能储存游戏假如你在这医院希望。You can save game if you wish in the Infirmary.

现在所需要的就是医务室的门钥匙。All they need now are the keys to the infirmary.

Michael戴着手铐走进了医务室。Michael, in handcuffs, is walked into the infirmary.

团伙们穿过了过道,来到医务室门口。The cons move through the halls to the infirmary door.

安迪和卢斯特还先被送到监狱的医务室疗伤。Andy and Rooster MacBride went by way of the infirmary.

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医务室有什么好东西,你这么想得到?What’s up there in that infirmary that you need so bad?

我想睡在你被金属片绑着的医疗所。I want to sleep in the infirmary where you were splinted.

如果我们能进入管道中,我们就能进入医务室。If we can get into the pipe, we can get into the infirmary.

哈迪夫人被救护车送到了医院。Mrs Hardie had been taken to the infirmary in an ambulance.

我已经去过医务室,用冰块敷着脸,可还是很疼。I had gone to the infirmary and put ice on it but it still hurt.

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狱长逼问护士Katie,为何医务室的门没有锁。Pope grills nurse Katie about the infirmary door being unlocked.

Sucre问Michael是否想到进入医务室的办法了。Sucre asks if Michael has handled their access to the infirmary.

狱长大步走进医务室,问有多少囚犯逃脱了。Pope storms into the infirmary and asks how many inmates escaped.

Michael在医务室的某一个检查室外等候。Michael waits outside one of the examination rooms in the infirmary.

一丝笑容爬上他的脸上,他意识到自己身处于医务室中。A smile creeps onto his face as he realizes that he’s in the infirmary.

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Pope转身与勘查医务室门的一个男子交谈。Pope turns and addresses a man investigating the door to the infirmary.

Sara和护士Katie将医务室翻了个底朝天,寻找她丢失的钥匙。Sara and nurse Katie tear the infirmary apart looking for the lost keys.

Michael告知大家,只有医务人员才有那把门钥匙。Michael informs them that only the medical staff have keys to the infirmary.