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这会不会终结?有人知道么。Does this terminate? Somebody.

分号标志一行的结尾。The semicolons to terminate lines.

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在本例中,我们希望终止脚本。In this example, we want it to terminate.

然后,停止并重新连接数据库。Then terminate and reconnect to the database.

随机的在代码中去搜寻。bugs That is a problem that may not terminate.

银行不会提早终止本产品。The Bank will not early terminate this product.

须肢长到可翻转的附着瀑处。Pedipalps terminate in eversible adhesive organs.

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用特定的休止符作为识别用户输入是否结束的标志,而非限制输入的字数或长度。Terminate input by end-of-file marker, not bycount.

用一个结束或停止节点终止每个流程分支Terminate each process branch with an end or stop node.

在这里什么也不要做,如不美观你需要额外的终止轨范。Do nothing else here. If you need extra terminate steps.

低温可以促进夏卵滞育的解除。Low temperature can terminate diapause of eggs in summer.

终止带有倒数第二个参数的参数列表。Terminate the argument list with the next-to-last argument.

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要选择退出此清单中,只需终止自己的帐户。To opt-out of this list, simply terminate your own account.

下一班进入三号月台�列车系以青衣为终点站。The next train at platform no. 3 will terminate at Tsing Yi.

如何解除长期请病假的员工?How to terminate employees who have taken long-term sick leave?

当然,那也将导致你的测试过早地终止。That causes your test to terminate prematurely, too, of course.

支撑臂连在太阳能接收板上,驱动飞行器。The arms terminate in solar gather panels that power the craft.

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此时,客户机和服务器将终止它们的连接。At this point, the client and server terminate their connections.

请注意,本班列车将以本站为终站。Your attention please, this train will terminate at this station.

掉话是指无线移动通信中的通话异常中断。Drop-Call means Channel abnormal terminate in wireless communication.