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偏航电机。Yaw motor.

鼠笼式马达“,”Squirrel Cage Motor.

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缝衣机马达“,”Sewing Machine Motor.

果菜榨汁机马达“,”Juicer, Blender Motor.

他给马达增了压。He hopped up the motor.

让我用汽车送你进城。Let me motor you to town.

马达换相开关“,”Motor Pole Change Switch.

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这台电机出了毛病。The motor is out of order.

我在裕隆汽车公司工作。I work in Yu-long Motor Co.

福特六和汽车。Ford Lio Ho Motor Co. , Ltd.

三相感应马达“,”Three Phase Induction Motor.

尾挂机船装有舷外发动机的船。A boat with an outboard motor.

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49号生产线的发动机坏了。The motor on Line 49 was down.

电动机有时候热度过高。The motor overheats sometimes.

这辆摩托车花了我2300元。This motor cost me 2,300 yuan.

雨刷马达在低速运转吗?How is your new motor behaving?

你最好加快马达的运转。You'd better jazz up the motor.

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西单女孩错过公共汽车了?。Did you miss the motor coach rv?

高低压马达起动器“,”High, Low Voltage Motor Starters.

这部马达现在带动一台碾米机。The motor runs a rice husker now.