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新德里,莫斯科,圣保罗同样让人不颤而栗。New Delhi, Moscow and São Paulo also did appallingly.

岂止是不好,他对待动物让人毛骨悚然!Unkind is not the word for it ! He treats the animals appallingly !

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南非还有一项糟糕的统计,表明它还有着令人毛骨悚然的高谋杀率。Another damning statistic for South Africa is its appallingly high murder rate.

我并不同意我们在与其他国家合作反对恐怖主义时表现出恐惧的说法。"I don't agree we behaved appallingly in co-operating with countries in fighting terrorism, " he said.

仍然会有很多傲慢自大的银行家,无论什么时候只要他们开口讲话,就会损坏他们自己的业务。Too many bankers are still appallingly arrogant, and damage their own cases whenever they open their mouths.

库勒斯基形容患者间的气氛,尽管“不安全状况令人吃惊。”,但是“平静而悠闲”。Kuletski describes the atmosphere among patients as "calm and relaxed" despite the "appallingly unsafe conditions. "

在信贷危机日趋紧张的情况下,在英国和其他一些地方,银行家的愚蠢行为和贪婪程度已经到了令人发指的地步。In the run-up to the credit crunch, there was some appallingly stupid and greedy behaviour by bankers in Britain and elsewhere.

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此前在埃及、阿曼、巴林、威科特以及约旦的调查显示,活体牛羊在这些国家的一些屠宰场生存条件极端恶劣。Previous investigations in Egypt, Oman, Bahrain, Kuwait and Jordan have revealed appallingly cruel conditions for sheep and cows.

首先,必须为所有的乘客分配生存空间,西方国家的贪婪已经骇人听闻,对于碳燃料来说也是如此。Above all they must ration living space, for which the West has been appallingly greedy, and carbon fuel, of which the same is true.

这些死去的鸟折射出了人类对消费主义和工业化失控的集体无意识,这样的结果令人毛骨悚然却又再典型不过。These birds reflect back an appallingly emblematic result of the collective trance of our consumerism and runaway industrial growth.

牛津大学的社会学家们进行的一项研究表明英国青少年道德严重低下。Another study, by some Oxford social scientists, finds that the morale of school-age children throughout the U.K. is appallingly low.

所以对于历史、地理、艺术、科学还有实事,我们都一无所知到让人毛骨悚然的地步。For all our information sources, we are appallingly ignorant about history, geography, the arts, science, and what is going on in the world.

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我看到那些可怜的动物们是如何惨遭伤害,我想帮助它们,无论是通过立法还是其他办法,让这种残忍行为消失。I see how appallingly the poor ani- mals are treated, and I want to help, through legislation and other means, to put an end to this cruelty.

霍尔布鲁克对碍事者绝不客气,他曾给一位他不喜欢的联合国高官取了个极下流的浑名。Holbrooke could be downright nasty with those who got in his way, conjuring up an appallingly obscene nickname for one top U.N. official he disliked.

Yeatman告诉我,这座可怕的建筑将最终魔法般的改造成五座4层的公寓楼,每座都配有一对教堂式的窗口。Yeatman tells me that this appallingly large room will eventually be conjured into five four-storey flats, each with a pair of cathedral-sized windows.

荣格指出,事实上,这些艺术作品,显而易见是负面的,冷漠到令人惊骇,仁慈地客观,攻击我们对于感情的俗滥,我们腐浅烂情的状态。Jung points out that in fact these works of art, openly negative, appallingly insensitive, and mercifully objective, attack our profusion of feelings, our sentimental state.

抛开用在思考复杂和陌生概念上的时间不谈——休闲阅读中很少出现这一情况——阅读意外地成为一种机械过程。When you factor out the amount of time spent thinking through complex and unfamiliar concepts—a rarity when people read for pleasure—reading is an appallingly mechanical process.

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显而易见,自从2005年毁掉黑市以来朝鲜的经济遭受了令人难以想象的打击,最终又去年的失败的货币改革中结束。Yetit is plain that the economy has suffered appallingly from the crackdown on private markets that started in 2005, culminating in a botched currency reform at the end of last year.

在发展中国家旅行常常要乘坐长时间且不舒服的公车,还要忍受司机的忽快忽慢,安全设施很可疑,空调却总是调到最大。Travel in the developing world often involves appallingly long, uncomfortable bus journeys with speed-freak drivers, doubtful safety standards and aircon that is permanently set to 'max'.

在发展中世界旅行时常会有相当长时间且不舒服的巴士旅程。司机开车飞快,安全不可靠,空调总是调在高档。Travel in the developing world often involves appallingly long, uncomfortable bus journeys with speed-freak drivers, doubtful safety standards and air-conditioning that is permanently set to high.