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我猜她五十五岁左右。I guess she is fifty-five or thereabouts.

他想看看那一带地区发展得怎么样了。He wondered how the territory thereabouts was growing.

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她是个每年只挣三个金镑左右的女仆。She was a servant-maid at 3 pounds a year wages, or thereabouts.

订三千件的话,你会有大约百分之二的折扣。For an order of three thousand units, you will receive a discount of two percent or thereabouts.

他在园里已经待了个把钟头,已经盖上了相当数量的草荐。During the hour or thereabouts that he had been in the garden he had already spread out a number of them.

而其中最早的是帖撒罗尼迦前书,它可能写于主后第50年左右。And the oldest one of those letters is 1 Thessalonians, probably,dated to around the year 50 or thereabouts.

他曾经说过“那样回来就像偷银币一样”而事实上并没有真的发生什么。The typical thing, he was going to say " it returns to steal the silver ". But it was not happening thereabouts.

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在国际联赛中米兰成绩一向不错,我们也正在努力改变国内联赛的局面。Milan are always there or thereabouts in international tournaments and we're trying hard to turn things around at home.

基本载荷功率是保持正常运转的最小功率——凌晨三点所需的电能,或者与之相当的电能。Base-load power is the minimum required to keep things ticking over—the demands of three o'clock in the morning, or thereabouts.

假如穆里尼奥能够稳定全队,平衡所有球员的个人要求,他们肯定能够或多或少的实现那些目标。If Mourinho can get a settled team, and balance all of the players' egos at Chelsea, they are certainties to be there or thereabouts.

在联赛中我们处于有利的位置,但切尔西仍是一支会振作的出色的球队,曼联也可能会越来越接近。We're in a nice position in the league, but Chelsea are a fantastic side, who will come back, and Manchester United will be there or thereabouts.

我们仍然希望大约几年后你们仍活着,没有大量对动物是毁灭性的火山喷发的发生。We are still wishing to have you all back within a couple years or thereabouts and not have the extensive volcanism that is so destructive to animal life.

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大约四点钟有一趟火车驶离北方车站,我在计算时间—银行、英国领事馆、美国捷运公司、火车站。There was a train leaving the Gare du Nord at four o'clock, or thereabouts . I was figuring it our the bank, the Consulate, the American Express, the station.

我们大约有十万法郎投资在他们那儿,我们接到报告,听说这家公司有可能破产,所以我们有点不大放心。We have a hundred thousand francs or thereabouts loaned on their securities, and we are a little uneasy at reports that have reached us that the firm is on the brink of ruin.