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“我们关心的一个问题是NIH在资助假科学”。One of our concerns is that NIH is funding pseudoscience.

美国大部分医药研究项目的资金主要来源于NIH。NIH funding is the lifeblood of much U.S. medical research.

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看样子,在他担任院长的任期结束前,他还得安抚许多愤怒的甘迺迪。He'll be pacifying many more Kennedys before his NIH days are over.

NIH的工作大有前途是因为它是纳米级别的。What makes the Harvard and NIH work so promising is its nano scale.

我放在“好的”申请一类里的是那些NIH永远都不会资助的。It's the stuff that NIH would never fund that I put into my 'good' pile.

目的观察三氯乙烯对NIH小鼠染毒后免疫功能的变化。Objective To observe the immune changes in NIH mice induced by trichloroethylene.

研究的部分基金由Chakraborty的美国国立卫生研究所主任先驱奖提供。The research was also partly funded by Chakraborty’s NIH Director’s Pioneer Award.

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NIH的专家们说耳蜡可以通过矿物油、甘油或者滴耳剂进行软化。The experts at NIH say the wax can be softened by mineral oil, glycerin or eardrops.

同时用NIH法对不同配伍的疫苗进行效力检测。Meanwhile, determine the potencies of the vaccines with different formula by NIH method.

NIH的研究人员研究了患有WAGR综合症的儿童和成年人,罕见的基因状况。The NIH researchers studied children and adults with WAGR syndrome, a rare genetic condition.

此外,梅奥已经从国家卫生研究所得到5000万美元的经费来支持转换医学的研究。And Mayo has got 50 million dollar grant from NIH to set up our CTSA program for translational study.

国家特定人群健康及状况研究所将重新审定并评估特定人群的健康标准,活动经费由国家卫生研究所拨付。NIMHD will review, coordinate, and evaluate all health disparities research conducted or funded by NIH.

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集中于肝脏的异常问题,我们对由国立卫生研究院追踪的194个CGD患者制成的图表进行了回顾。The charts of 194 patients with CGD followed at the NIH were reviewed, with a focus on liver abnormalities.

对此,卡尔-亨特表示,家族性睡眠状态提前综合征和情绪消沉两者之间的潜在联系,引起了众多研究人员的兴趣。Hunt, the NIH sleep disorders researcher, said the potential link between FASPS and depression is intriguing.

所以,我们所谓的内部研究,即在美国国家卫生研究院内部进行的研究,其花费仅占国家卫生研究院预算的一小部分。So what we might call intramural research—the research done inside the NIH—is a small part of the NIH budget.

当前研究中,NIH的研究者分析了33名WAGR综合症患者的11号染色体。In the current study, the NIH researchers conducted analyses of chromosome 11 in 33 patients with WAGR syndrome.

目的构建以绿色荧光蛋白为报告基因的重组腺相关病毒载体和报告病毒,并观察其在真核细胞的表达。Objective To construct a recombinant AAV reporter virus expressing GFP and observe its expression in NIH 3T3 cell.

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国家卫生研究所是美国健康、教育与福利部进行和支持医疗研究的首要机构。The NIH is the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services' primary agency for conducting and supporting medical research.

美国国立卫生研究院并未发现或通过报道中描述的研究“,NIH的发言人说到。”“The National Institutes of Health did not fund or approve the research described in the paper, ” a spokesperson for NIH said.

一些公司正在与专利池展开谈判,美国国立卫生研究院是第一个对专利池作出许可的方面,我对此表示钦佩。I admire the companies that are in negotiations with the Patent Pool, and the US NIH for having been the first to license to the Pool.