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然而,这次器官移植却没有成功,他新长出的肉在双翅蛆的作用下腐烂了。The organic transplant, however, failed, and the work of diptera maggots rotted his new flesh.

雨燕食性广,主要食物为膜翅目、双翅目如蝇、蝶、蛾等昆虫。With a wide range of food, swifts mainly live on hymenoptera and diptera such as fly, butterfly and moth.

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归纳了直翅目、半翅目、同翅目、双翅目、鞘翅目等昆虫的发声机制共十二种。There are twelve kinds of sounding mechanism in Orthoptera, Hemiptera, Coleoptera, Homoptera, Diptera et al.

本文报告了东北中俄边境地区吸血双翅目昆虫的区系分布调查结果。The results are reported in this paper of faunal investigation of blood-sucking diptera insect in frontiers of Russia and Northeast China.

该结果合理地解释了内含子在脊椎动物,线虫及昆虫中数量的分布呈下降趋势。The results felicitously explain that the number of introns distributed in vertebrates , Diptera and nematodes are declining sequentially.

目的调查黑龙江流域重要吸血双翅目昆虫蚊、蠓、虻的种类分布。Objective To study the species distribution on mosquitoes, midges and horse flies of important blood-sucking diptera insect in Heilongjiang river valley.

经初步鉴定,在22种蜜源植物上共捕捉38种访花昆虫,其中双翅目、膜翅目为主要访花尾虫。After the preliminary appraisal, 38 species of pollinators were caught on 22 kinds of nectar source plants, diptera and hymenoptera were the main pollinators.

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经初步鉴定,在22种蜜源植物上共捕捉38种访花昆虫,其中双翅目、膜翅目为主要访花昆虫。After the preliminary appraisal, 38 species of pollinators were caught on 22 kinds of nectar source plants, diptera and hymenoptera were the main pollinators.

本所标本馆拥有采自中国和其它国家的昆虫标本80余万号,其中包括一批半翅目,双翅目和鳞翅目的模式标本以及其它一些珍贵的昆虫种类。The institute has a collection of over 800,000 specimens, including a number of type specimens in Heteroptera , Diptera and Lepidoptera and some rare species.

以上试验结果表明,双翅目昆虫诱发的聚集行为对奶牛的外周血酶活性、心率、体温和生产性能均产生了不良影响。These results show that aggregation induced by Diptera activity produce negative effect on the cow's Enzyme Activity, heart rate, body temperature and performance.

根据采集到的该种幼虫标本鉴定,该病原为双翅目、胃蝇科、胃蝇属种类,其特征在目前国内文献中未见记载。The species, which is attributed to Gasterophilus, Gasterophilidae, Diptera according to the collected larva specimen, has been unrecorded in national literatures by now.