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你伪造受术者的一种感觉。False Sensory Input. You falsify one of the subject's senses.

事实上,科学需要重复测试,验证和伪造。In fact, Science needs to be repeating test, verify and falsify.

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你怎样保证地方官员不捏造数据?How do you ensure that local officials don't simply falsify data?

一为变更、隐匿或捏造事实之陈报。Alter, conceal or falsify factual information in the inspection reprots.

老师们甚至还教孩子们怎么去捏造事实,应付记者。The teachers taught the children how to falsify facts for the reporters.

如果我们伪造商品报关名称可能会使我们失去邮寄到该国的权利。We can lose our ability to ship to a country if we falsify customs declarations.

科学的目标在否定理论,并代之以更好的理论。The aim of science is to falsify theories and to replace them by better theories.

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由人的嘴唇表达,再由人的眼睛强化的这份真诚,是不可能说谎的。Sincerity, expressed by human lips and enforced by eyes, is impossible to falsify.

他扬言将严惩作假帐的企业和主管人员。He pledged tough penalties on corporations and chief officers who falsify accounts.

这个月北京方面也引进了对虚报数据官员的新惩罚办法。This month Beijing also introduced new penalties for officials who falsify statistics.

这势必导致他们其中的一些人伪造研究成果和剽窃他人的著作。This has led some of them to falsify research results and plagiarize the work of others.

感谢美国梦,直到赤裸裸的谎言自始至终延续,仍然下流歪曲着。Thanks for the american dream to vulgarize and falsify until the bare lies shine through.

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一种新的用法过去花一段时间传播开来,但现在一个通俗歌星能在几小时内在全世界窜改它。A new usage once took time to spread, but now a pop star can falsify it across the world in hours.

波普尔强调了实验方法的逻辑,通过尝试去证伪它们来检验假设。Popper emphasizes the logic of experimentation, which tests hypotheses by attempting to falsify them.

当然,整个科学符号都是测试假设,和希望有人能证明其为假。Of course the whole science symbol is testing hypothesis and hoping someone would say to falsify them.

所以,让他们别再扭曲圣经的原义,也别蛊惑我们中间单纯的人。Therefore, let them not falsify the divine Scriptures nor scandalize the simple ones in the community.

他们质疑我们的记忆是否把梦中的许多内容删除了,存在脑海中的是否只是假象,而并非梦境。One may doubt whether our memory, which omits so much from the dream, does not falsify what it retains.

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对于能反驳或者证明该模式错误的未来观察结果,如果未经证实,该模式能够对之进行很好预料。Makes detailed predictions about future observations that can disprove or falsify the model if they are not borne out.

但是仿佛要证明他在说谎似的,他的两条腿支持不住了,为了防止跌倒,他只好一屁股坐下来。As if, however, to falsify this assertion, his legs seemed to give way, and he suddenly sat down to save himself from falling.

国外学者根据不同国家的数据证实或证伪了斯蒂格勒“领导人法则”。Foreign scholars in accordance with the data from different countries to confirm or falsify the Stigler's "the leaders of the law".